Hello, and thank you for visiting the AgPipeline project. This page gives you all the basic information you need to know about why this project exists, who it is for, and how to give back with your expertise. More technical documentation is available on the project website.
The need that this project fulfills is to provide a scalable, modular, extensible pipeline to process sensing and image data. Most of the existing software for this purpose is built for very specific projects, and therefore tends to be expensive and proprietary. Our pipeline is intended for a diverse array of users, from agricultural researchers to engineers, to be able to use, and to implement their own algorithms within this framework.
This pipeline was initially created and is being developed and maintained by the DIgital Agriculture (DIAG) group at the University of Arizona. As this is an open source project that should be useful to many people though, we welcome anyone to provide feedback and contribute.
We welcome all contributions! Please see the Code of Conduct and the CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.
Please email us if you want access to our Slack channel.