Droid Blog- a Blog App that allows the user to create the blog and to view the blogs created by others and also allows to search for a particular blog post with author name and blog title.
This app aims to demonstrate advanced android concepts which are the following :
- Coroutines
- Cancelling Active Jobs
- Coroutine Scoping
- Advanced Coroutine Management using Jobs
- Pagination
- Paginating data received from server and database cache
- Navigation Components
- Multiple BackStacks
- Bottom Navigation bar with fragments
- Dagger 2
- Dependency Injection with custom scopes
- MVI Architecture
- Caching
- Single Source of Truth Principal
- Database Caching
- Error Handling
- Handling any type of response with Generic Response Class
- Web Views
- Images
- Selecting and Cropping images from phone memory to a specific aspect ratio
- Material Design
- Network Request Management
- Cancelling pending network requests using Kotlin coroutines