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INF 553 2019 Fall Semester, USC Viterbi School. The code for homework is not allowed to published, so only tips for homework were published. Hope these will help you.

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INF-553 2019 fall, by Prof. Anna Farzindar

The code for homework is not allowed to published, so only tips for homework were published. Hope these will help you.


Basic Course Information

  • Lec1: Introduction & Large-Scale File System & MapReduce1
  • Lec2: MapReduce2 & 3
  • Lec3: Find Frequent Itemsets 1
  • Lec4: Frequent Items 2 & 3
  • Lec5: Find Similar Sets 1 & 2
  • Lec6: Find Similar Sets 3
  • Lec7: Recommender System 1 & 2
  • Lec8: Recommender System 3 & 4
  • Lec9: Social Networks 1
  • Lec10: Social Networks 2 & Clustering
  • Lec11: Link Analysis
  • Lec12: Mining Data Streams


Environment: macOS Mojave 10.14.5

Requirements: Python 3.6, Scala 2.11 and Spark 2.3.3

Except the requirements above, you can only use standard python libraries


Before installing, make sure you have Anaconda as well as Homebrew.

Install Java JDK

Download Java JDK from the link, and open the dmg file to install it.

Then add the JAVA_HOME in ~/.zshrc file (if using bash, just add this to ~/.bash_profile file):

export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home"

save the changes and activate the change in the terminal:

source ~/.zshrc

or for bash:

source ~/.bash_profile

Some other installment tutorial suggests to set JAVA_HOME as usr/lib/jvm/xxx.jdk, but this didn't work in my system.

Now check whether you have installed Java JDK successfully in terminl:

java -version

Mine isjavaversion

I used to try to install Java via brew:

brew cask install java

which install Java 12. However, it seemed there's some problem with Java 12 and Spark 2.3.3, so I finally used Java 8 JDK (this problem was mentioned here).

Install Spark

Open the download link and choose the version you want. Here I chose spark-2.3.3-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz.

When download finished, unzip it and move it to your /opt folder:

tar -xzf spark-2.3.3-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
mv spark-2.3.3-bin-hadoop2.7 /opt/spark-2.3.3

Create a symbolic link (assuming you have multiple spark versions):

sudo ln -s /opt/spark-2.3.3 /opt/spark

Then add Spark path in the ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile file and activate it:

export SPARK_HOME="/opt/spark"
export PATH="$SPARK_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Now, run the example to see whether install successfully:

cd /opt/spark/bin
# use grep to get clean output result
run-example SparkPi 2>&1 | grep "Pi is"  

My result:sparkexample

Install Pyspark in conda environment

Create new conda environment:

conda create -n inf553 python=3.6

and activate the environment when finished

conda activate inf553

Now install Pyspark using pip :

pip install pyspark==2.3.3

I tried to install pyspark==2.4.4, but this could cause incompatibility with Spark JVM libraries since Spark 2.3.3 is used!!! If use pyspark==2.4.4, running test file showed here will end with error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    numAs = logData.filter(lambda line: 'a' in line).count()
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/", line 403, in filter
    return self.mapPartitions(func, True)
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/", line 353, in mapPartitions
    return self.mapPartitionsWithIndex(func, preservesPartitioning)
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/", line 365, in mapPartitionsWithIndex
    return PipelinedRDD(self, f, preservesPartitioning)
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/", line 2514, in __init__
    self.is_barrier = prev._is_barrier() or isFromBarrier
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/", line 2414, in _is_barrier
    return self._jrdd.rdd().isBarrier()
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/", line 1257, in __call__
    answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
  File "//anaconda3/envs/inf553/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/", line 332, in get_return_value
    format(target_id, ".", name, value))
py4j.protocol.Py4JError: An error occurred while calling o23.isBarrier. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Method isBarrier([]) does not exist
        at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
        at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
        at py4j.Gateway.invoke(
        at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(
        at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(

Add these codes to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile file to enable python/ipython from conda environment to use PySpark:

export PYSPARK_PYTHON="/anaconda3/envs/inf553/bin/python"
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON="/anaconda3/envs/inf553/bin/ipython"

Then activate the changes:

source ~/.zshrc


source ~/.bash_profile

Now run the using spark-submit to see the result. the is showed below:

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext( 'local', 'test')
logFile = "file:///opt/spark/"
logData = sc.textFile(logFile, 2).cache()
numAs = logData.filter(lambda line: 'a' in line).count()
numBs = logData.filter(lambda line: 'b' in line).count()
print('Lines with a: %s, Lines with b: %s' % (numAs, numBs))

The running result is

Lines with a: 61, Lines with b: 30

There might be a lot of LOG informations in the print out result when running the spark-submit as showed:loginfo

We can manage to hide them.

Go to the spark configure folder:

cd /opt/spark/conf

Copy the file and edit the copy:


Then you can see in the Lin 19, there is log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console:


Change INFO to WARN and save the file. Then it is done!

Install Scala

Download scala 2.11.8 from the link, then run:

sudo tar -zxf scala-2.11.8.tgz -C /usr/local
cd /usr/local/
sudo mv ./scala-2.11.8/ ./scala

Add code to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH="/usr/local/scala/bin:$PATH"

Now run Scala in the terminal:scala

It seems there will be problem if install Scala 2.11.12.

Homework Details

Setting Duration Benchmark (sec) Local Duration (sec) Result Benchmark Local Result
HW2 Task 1 Case1: Support=4
Case2: Support=9
Case1: <=200
Case2: <=100
Case1: 7
Case2: 8
HW2 Task 2 Filter Threshold=20
<=500 14
HW3 Task1 Jaccard similarity <=120 12 Recall>=0.95
HW3 Task2 Model-Based: rank=3, lambda=0.2, iterations=15 Model-Based: <=50
User-Based: <=180
Model-Based: 17
User-Based: 13
Model-Based RMSE: 1.30
User-Based RMSE: 1.18
Model-Based RMSE: 1.066
User-Based RMSE: 1.09
HW4 Task1 <=500 210
HW4 Task2 <=500 (Unrecorded)


  • Task 1: use user.json

  • Task 2: use user.json

  • Task 3: use review.json and business.json


  • Task 1: use A-Priori & SON algorithm to find all possible frequent itemsets

    • for small2.csv case 1 with support=4, local test shows minPartition=3, A_priori_short_basket() works better. Local test takes 7 seconds.
    • for small1.csv case 2 with support=9, local test shows minPartition=2, A_priori_long_basket() works better. Local test takes 8 seconds.
    • A_priori_long_basket() optimizes the process of generating itemset size $k+1$ from itemset size $k$
  • Task 2:

    • collect frequent singleton as well as frequent pairs using brute-force (emit all possible singletons/pairs in each basket, then filter using support)

    • Then delete all baskets with size=1 or size=2 (delete around 16000 such baskets), which helps to speed up for later steps

    • using A-priori only to find candidate itemset with size>=3

    • use A_priori_long_basket(), local test shows minPartition=3 works better. Local test takes around 17 seconds.


  • Task1: min-hash & LSH to find similar business_id pars

    • Jaccard similarity:

      • Use mapPartitions() instead of .map() for most RDD operations to speed up

      • local test shows optimal numPartitions=5 using sc.parallelize() to load input file (sometimes parallelize() is not large enough to load input file), with

        • pure computation time 8 seconds for the whole process (load data$\to$min-hash$\to$LSH$\to$compute similarty$\to$write result),

        • script running time 12.4 seconds (use time spark-submit, cpu time)

        • precision=1.0,

        • recall=0.99.

      • local numPartitoins-data load method experiment results in task1 experiment log file (experiment script)

      • Question: sc.textFile() with customized minPartitions works similar to sc.parallelize() with customized numPartitions, so what's the difference? (not clear after searching on Google)

    • Cosine similarity: optional, not implemented

  • Task2: Collaborative filtering

    Detail and tips see implementation description file

  • Model-based

  • User-based

    • Use global average when calculating similarity rather than co-rated item average!!!!! (Lower RMSE in this case)
    • statistics.mean(list) is slower than sum(list)/len(list)!!!!!! After replacing statistics.mean() with sum(list)/len(list), local user-based test time is around 70s (150s before replacement)
    • It seems if we use user_avg as the prediction for all pairs, RMSE<1.07 on yelp_test.csv?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?



Final Competition

Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3
Val RMSE 1.019139997 1.002121513 0.9807033701
Test RMSE 1.015982788 1.000238924 0.9793494612
Val Duration 16s 42s 241s
Method Use weighted average rating on users as well as business. Then combine them together using 1:1 weights again. Use global average rating on users as well as business. Then combine them together using 1:1 weights again. Both user.json and business.json are used to generate user_features.csv and business_features.csv for later model. Then use business features 'business_star', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'business_review_cnt', and user features; 'user_review_cnt', 'useful', 'cool', 'funny', 'fans', 'user_avg_star' to train the Gradient Boosting model.
Error (>=0 and <1) 96910 97892 102013
Error (>=1 and <2) 37451 36978 32998
Error (>=2 and <3) 7051 6682 6229
Error (>=3 and <4) 632 492 804
Error (>=4) 0 0 0
  • Top 3 test RMSE in the class:
    • 0.9750778569
    • 0.9773295973
    • 0.9784191539


INF 553 2019 Fall Semester, USC Viterbi School. The code for homework is not allowed to published, so only tips for homework were published. Hope these will help you.







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