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Ahli edited this page Sep 19, 2017 · 6 revisions


E.g. copy a text from another frame: <Text val="{$Reference/Path/To/Frame/@Text}"/>

In Stategroups:

<Action type="SetProperty" frame="$this" FormatText="{$parent/@TypeNameStr}"/>

Working @ - data type (frame) - description

  • @Text - text
  • @Visible - boolean
  • @Texture[0] - string - file path of specified layer + 1
  • @Texture - String
  • @Value - real (ProgressBar)
  • @Style - String - styleID
  • @Options - String (label) - options attribute of label
  • @TargetIcon - String (ControlGroupButtonTooltip)
  • @TargetName - text (ControlGroupButtonTooltip)
  • @TargetHotkey - text (ControlGroupButtonTooltip)
  • @Tooltip - text (ControlGroupButtonTooltip)
  • @Ratio - real (CountdownLabel) - uncommented by Blizzard, no idea if working
  • @CurrentArmor - (UnitStatusUnitArmor)
  • @Usable - boolean (Button)
  • @Color - string (Image)
  • @Alpha - int
  • @MaxHealth - real (UnitStatusHealth)
  • @Health - real (UnitStatusHealth)
  • @Enabled - boolean
  • @Checked - boolean (CheckBox)
  • @Toggled - boolean
  • @TextureCoords - string
  • @Armor - int?
  • @AtMaxStacks - boolean
  • @MaxValue - real/int?
  • @CurrentValue - real/int?

Exotic @ - data type (frame) - description

  • @Title - text (Browser)
  • @Address - text (Browser)
  • @CanGoBackward - boolean (Browser)
  • @CanGoForward - boolean (Browser)
  • @Loading - boolean (Browser)
  • @DebugMode - boolean (GlueUI)
  • @AttributeName (BattleLobbyAttributeEntryFrame)
  • @DifficultyText
  • @ReadyRequirementsText
  • @FormattedAmount
  • @ShowMinimumPriceWarning
  • @ModeName
  • @Hero[0], @Hero[1], @Hero[2
  • @HeroName
  • @MapName
  • @ResultText
  • @TimeText
  • @MapImage
  • @AllyTeamName
  • @EnemyTeamName
  • @SectionTitleStyle
  • @DescriptionStyle
  • @BackgroundImagePath
  • @MapLink
  • @SubTitleStyle
  • @TitleStyle
  • @HeaderText
  • @TipTextStyle
  • @MinimapIconBackgroundValid
  • @MinimapIconBackground
  • @MinimapIcon
  • @AchievementId
  • @AchievementCriteria
  • @ImagePath (HeroNexusBrawlPanel)
  • @WeeklyRewardTooltip
  • @RemainingDaysText
  • @BrawlAchievementId
  • @GameContent
  • @RoundTitle
  • @Hero (HeroContainerFrame, HeroSelectAbilitiesPanel, HeroSelectTalentsPanel)
  • @CompletionText
  • @PointsText
  • @RewardText
  • @PresenceId
  • @SelectedMapHandle
  • @SelectedModHandle
  • @Bundle
  • @IconFilePath
  • @DiscountPercent
  • @NameText
  • @CostText
  • @RetailCostText
  • @SelectedSort
  • @Reward, @Reward[0], @Reward[1], @Reward[2]
  • @NewCommanderText
  • @ConsoleSkin
  • @RequiredReward
  • @LocalToonPresenceId
  • @MutatorName
  • @AvatarIndex
  • @NameValid
  • @Name (EmoticonPackTileListItem)
  • @Prerequisite
  • @EmoticonPack
  • @ParentBundle
  • @ParentBundleContent
  • @RequiredCommander
  • @RequiredCampaign
  • @EmoticonAllowed
  • @EmoticonDescription
  • @Hovered (EmoticonTileListItem)
  • @MapHandle
  • @ModHandle
  • @AttributeTooltip
  • @CategoryId
  • @IsHost
  • @Scope
  • @NewTeamId
  • @HasNewTeam
  • @IsTandemFollower (LobbyPlayerSlotsPlayerFrame)
  • @BuildVersion
  • @DisplayNameExcludeClan (BattleUserFrame)
  • @ClanTag (BattleUserFrame)
  • @CanAddSlot
  • @TeamName
  • @DragHovered
  • @PlayerScope[0], ..., @PlayerScope[15]
  • @PlayerColor (LobbyReplayInfoTileListItem)
  • @PlayerName (LobbyReplayInfoTileListItem)
  • @DateTime (LobbyReplayInfoFrame)
  • @TimeText (LobbyResumeReplayTileListItem)
  • @SelectedTimeText (LobbyResumeReplayFrame)
  • @MaxTime (LobbyResumeReplayFrame)
  • @SelectedTime (LobbyResumeReplayFrame)
  • @TotalXP
  • @EarnedXP
  • @IsCurrentLevel
  • @IsOnline
  • @PreviousIndex
  • @SelectedIndex
  • @LevelText
  • @NextRewardText
  • @PlayerColor (ScoreScreenGraphsPlayerTileListItem)
  • @ItemColor (GraphLineItemFrame)
  • @ItemAlpha (GraphLineItemFrame)
  • @TimeInterval
  • @ValueInterval
  • @ScoreValueName (ScoreScreenGraphsFrame)
  • @Race (ScoreScreenLadderFrame)
  • @CurrentLeagueName (ScoreScreenLadderFrame)
  • @IsImproved
  • @HasAverage (PlayerScoreValueResultMaxNumberFrame)
  • @AverageType
  • @PublishName
  • @SortScoreValueLink
  • @Team (ScoreScreenStatsPlayerTileListItem)
  • @League
  • @LeagueTier
  • @IsRanked
  • @DisplayName (BattleUserFrame)
  • @MultiModHandle
  • @SelectedTabIndex (ScreenCollection)
  • @MatchLength
  • @DisplayNameExcludeClan (BattleUserFrame)
  • @LadderEnabled
  • @ExperienceEnabled
  • @TypeNameStr
  • @ShortName
  • @RewardIdentifier
  • @FeaturedImagePath
  • @FeaturedDescription
  • @TypeNameText
  • @DescriptionText
  • @Skin
  • @Unit (UnitModelFrame)
  • @ItemCountStr (SelectedBundleFrame)
  • @DecalPack
  • @VoicePack
  • @DynamicBundleItemCountStr
  • @DiscountPercentStr
  • @EmoticonName
  • @EmoticonPackName
  • @EmoticonPackDescription
  • @RelativeProperty
  • @DisplayModel
  • @Camera
  • @Rotation (SkinCacheFrame)
  • @SelectedUnit (SkinPackUnitSelectionFrame)
  • @SelectedRace (RaceTabControl)
  • @UnlockableTag
  • @UnlockableIndex
  • @DescriptionUnearnedText
  • @LineDescriptionText
  • @LineSound
  • @LargeImageFilePath
  • @UnlockedReward[0], ..., @UnlockedReward[2]
  • @SelectedGameContent