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Clinic Management System

A Node RESTful API that helps clinics manage their daily tasks.

Technologies Used: Node.js - Express.js - TypeScript - MySQL - Sequelize - Jest


  • CRUD Operations for different roles and reserving appointments.
  • Validation & Sanitization of Data with Sequelize & Express-Validator
  • Securely Storing Passwords with bcrypt.
  • Authorization & Authentication with JWT.
  • Unit Testing with Jest.
  • Assigning different operations based on role [ Admin - Receptionists - Doctors ].
  • Patients can choose to reserve an appointment with a certian doctor or specialty.
  • Patients can reschedule their appointments to the nearest date available, done using binary search algorithm & Map data structure.
  • Doctors can view their own appointments schedule on any day.
  • Receptionists can query about each doctor and specialty nearest available appointment.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to create a config folder in the root directory of the project, create dev.env & test.env files then add the following environment variables to your .env files


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd clinic-management-system

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

To run the tests

  npm run test

Project Requirements

  • Clinic working hours are from 5PM to 11PM, from Sunday to Thursday.
  • Make sure not to create an appointment on a weekend or an old date.
  • Make sure a doctor doesn't get two appointments at the same time.
  • Session duration is up to 20 minutes.
  • Admin creates specialties, every doctor should have a specialty.
  • Receptionists data include [email, password, name, phoneNumber, salary, address]
  • Doctors data include [email, password, name, phoneNumber, examinationPrice, address]
  • Receptionists & Doctors should be able to update their profile data except for salary & examinationPrice.
  • Only the admin can update receptionists's salaries & doctor's specialty or examinationPrices.

API Documentation

-- Auth Routes --

Create a new receptionist (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  POST /api/auth/signup/receptionist
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
password string Required. should be between 8 and 32 characters.
phoneNumber string Required. A phone number that follows Egyptian phone numbers standard.
address string Optional.
fullName string Required.
salary number Required. Should be atleast 2500

Create a new doctor (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  POST /api/auth/signup/doctor
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
password string Required. should be between 8 and 32 characters.
phoneNumber string Required. A phone number that follows Egyptian phone numbers standard.
address string Optional.
fullName string Required.
examinationPrice number Required. should be atleast 50
specialtyId number Required. doctor's specialty,

Log user in

  POST /api/auth/login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
password string Required. should be between 8 and 32 characters.

Change user password (Requires Auth)

  PATCH /api/auth/changepassword
Parameter Type Description
password string Required.

-- Users Routes --

Get all users (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/users/login

Get current user profile (Requires Auth)

  GET /api/users/profile

Get doctor by id (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/users/doctors/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. doctor's id

Get receptionist by id (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/users/receptionists/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. receptionist's id

Update doctor as admin (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  PATCH /api/users/doctors/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. receptionist's id
examinationPrice number Optional.
specialtyId number Optional.

Update receptionist as admin (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  PATCH /api/users/doctors/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. receptionist's id
salary number Required.

Remove user account (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  DELETE /api/users/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. user id

-- Receptionists Routes --

Update receptionist profile (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  PATCH /api/users/receptionists
Parameter Type Description
fullName string Optional.
address string Optional.
phoneNumber string Optional.

-- Doctors Routes --

Update receptionist profile (Requires Auth & Role: doctor)

  PATCH /api/users/doctors
Parameter Type Description
fullName string Optional.
address string Optional.
phoneNumber string Optional.

-- Specialty Routes --

Create a specialty (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  POST /api/specialties
Parameter Type Description
name string Required.

Get all specialties (Requires Auth)

  GET /api/specialties

Update a specialty (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  PATCH /api/specialties/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required.
name string Required.

Remove a specialty (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  DELETE /api/specialties/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required.

-- Patients Routes --

Create a patient (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  POST /api/patients
Parameter Type Description
fullName string Required.
phoneNumber string Required.

Get all patients (Requires Auth)

  GET /api/patients

Update a patient (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  PATCH /api/patients/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required.
fullName string Optional.
phoneNumber string Optional.

Remove a patient (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  DELETE /api/patients/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required.

-- Appointments Routes --

Get all clinic's appointment on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/appointments/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Get doctor's appointments on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: doctor)

  GET /api/doctors/appointments/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Create an appointment with a specific doctor (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  POST /api/appointments/doctor/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. doctor's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.
patientId number Required.

Create an appointment with the nearest available doctor in the given specialty (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  POST /api/appointments/specialty/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. specialty's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.
patientId number Required.

Get a doctor's appointments on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/appointments/doctor/:id/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. doctor's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Get a specialty's appointments on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: admin)

  GET /api/appointments/specialty/:id/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. specialty's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Get a doctor's nearest available appointment on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  GET /api/appointments/nearest/doctor/:id/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. doctor's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Get a specialty's nearest available appointment on a specific day (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  GET /api/appointments/nearest/specialty/:id/on/:day
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. specialty's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.

Update an appointment (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  PATCH /api/appointments/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. appointment's id.
day Date Required. Should follow MM-DD-YYYY format.
withSameDoctor boolean Required. Indicate if the patient wants to reschedule with the same doctor or the nearest available doctor in the same specialty.

Remove an appointment (Requires Auth & Role: receptionist)

  DELETE /api/appointments/:id
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. appointment's id.


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at


A Node app that helps clinics manage daily tasks.







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