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Emotion Recognition from live webcam and static images with DeXpression, miniXception, a CNN made from scratch, and other ML algorithms. All algorithms are trained and tested on Fer2013 dataset

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This project directory contains machine learning and deep learning models that are used to predict emotion from facial expression of live webcam videos and static images. The models are trained on Fer2013 Training subset (almost 28k samples), and validated performance on Public Testing subset (almost 3k samples). There is a testing subset. The Testing subset is composed of 3k samples, and they can be used to test the final validated model performance for generalization error.
The Fer2013 dataset contains samples that are grayscale face entered images. Each image is 48 x 48 pixels.

The dataset was downloaded from Kaggle :
Please replace the folder in the Dataset directory with the extracted folder (highlighted with * below). 
The final Dataset directory should be as follows:

The models included here are:
1) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) made from scratch (using numpy and script libraries) Python 2.7 
2) mini Xception (Python 3.6)
3) DeXpression (Python 2.7)*
4) Support Vector Machine (SVM with multiple kernels) (Python 2.7)
5) Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) (Python 2.7)
6) Logistic Regression (LR) (Python 2.7)

Only DeXpression and mini Xception have been used in the live webcam video

1) The CNN directory contains the network made from scratch. 
The file can be used to train the CNN
The file can be used to test the network on static images (whether from validation set or testing set)
The file loss.txt contains the saved model weights
The file is a shell file used to submit batch submissions to Agave cluster
The layers directory contains the definition of the CNN layers made from scratch

2) The Xception directory contains the mini Xception network. The code in this directory was written in Python3
The file can be used to train and test the network on static images and live webcam videos
The files in this directory were originally downloaded from :"" and modified accordingly

3) The DeXpression directory contains the DeXpression network.
The file is used to train the network
The file loads the data
The file predicts the performance on validation and testing sets
The file uses the trained model to predict on live video (this can be run using either python 2.7 or 3.7)
Will add layer l2 regularization in future updates to prevent overfitting. For now, when training, you can use a high drop out and an initial learning rate around 0.001

4) The SVM directory contains the SVM model
The file trains the SVM using Linear, Polynomial, and Gaussian kernels on training set and does grid search for best C parameter on validation set. Then the weights are saved on disk to be used later for evaluation on testing set. There are 3 models. The first model uses no dimensionality reduction. The second model uses Landmarks to extract important pixels then PCA to reduce the dimensions of the model while maintaining 99% variance. The third model uses HOG and Landmarks instead of PCA and Landmarks.
The file is a shell script for a batch submission on Agave cluster
The file is for reading the data

5) The GNB directory contains the Gaussian Naive Bayes model
The file trains a GNB on training set and validates on validation set
Model saving and prediction on testing set will be implemented in a future update

6) The LR directory contains the Logistic Regression model
The file trains a logistic regression model using multiple Cs (for regularisation) and validates on the validation set
Model saving and prediction on testing set will be implemented in a future update

The files and are used as reference files for functions written in SVM and that will be written in GNB and LR in future updates

The video file is a sample test using a trained mini Xception network

More networks will be tested and added in future updates


Emotion Recognition from live webcam and static images with DeXpression, miniXception, a CNN made from scratch, and other ML algorithms. All algorithms are trained and tested on Fer2013 dataset






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