A place where professionals share their thoughts and ideas regarding the craft they're passionate about.
- OAuth w/ Google, magic email login, access/refresh token auth flow
- Analytics (read time, views, engagement - likes, comments)
- Reading list (just like YouTube's playlist - save articles)
- Text search
- Extensible editor (supports - paragraph/headings, image, quote, divider)
- Dynamic saving (check what's new/updated/deleted and take action)
- Studio for managing "my" articles
- Fully responsive
- Different rendering patterns (ISR, SSR, SSG, CSR) based on page content
- Design system (Figma)
Environment variables:
Create backend/.env
file and then add content of backend/.env.example
in it along with missing env variables. Do the same with frontend/.env
and frontend/.env.example
cp ./backend/.env.example ./backend/.env
cp ./frontend/.env.example ./frontend/.env
Starting backend:
Before starting backend make sure to have MongoDB setup and update DATABASE_URL
in backend/.env
cd backend/
pnpm install
pnpm run dev:start
Starting frontend:
cd frontend/
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
- TypeScript, React, Next.js (page router)
- ChakraUI, React Beautiful DnD, Recharts
- React Query, Redux Toolkit, React Hook Form, Zod
- TypeScript, Nest.js
- Passport.js, Express File Upload
- Cloudinary
- MongoDB, Mongoose
- Add tests in frontend (Jest, RTL, Playwright) and backend (Jest)
- Add husky
- Dockerize the whole project
- Make editor block rich and add other blocks (code/horizontal-group/list/callout)
- Add notifications system
- Add caching for analytics endpoints