npm install - installing dependencies
npm run start:dev - staring server and frontend part in dev mode
npm run start
- starting frontend part dev modenpm run start:dev:server
- starting backend servernpm run build:prod
- building in prod modenpm run lint:ts
- checking ts files by EsLintnpm run lint:ts:fix
- fixing errors in ts files by EsLintnpm run lint:scss
- checking scss files style by StyleLintnpm run lint:scss:fix
- fixing scss files style by StyleLintnpm run test:unit
- unit testing with jestnpm run test:ui
- screenshot testing with lokinpm run test:ui:ok
- approving new screenshotsnpm run test:ui:ci
- screenshot testing in CInpm run test:ui:report
- generating report of screenshot tests resultnpm run test:ui:html
- generating report of screenshot tests result in htmlnpm run storybook
- starting Storybooknpm run storybook:build
- building storybook
The project was written in accordance with the Feature sliced design methodology
Link to Documentation - feature sliced design
The project uses the i18next library to work with translations. Translation files are stored in public/locales.
Для комфортной работы рекомендуем установить плагин для webstorm/vscode
Link to Documentation - i18next
In project was used 4 test types:
- unit tests with jest
- Component tests with React testing library
- Screenshot tests with loki
- e2e tests with Cypress
The project uses eslint to check typescript code and stylelint to check files with styles.
For strict control of the main architectural principles was used eslint plugin eslint-plugin-forapp-plugin, which contains 3 rules:
- path-checker - prohibits the use of absolute imports within one module
- layer-imports - checks the correct use of layers in terms of FSD (e.g. widgets cannot be used in features and entities)
- public-api-imports - allows import from other modules only from public api. It has auto fix.
The project describes story cases for each component. Server requests are mocked using storybook-addon-mock.
A file with stories is created next to the component with the extension .stories.tsx
for start storybook use command:
npm run storybook
The github actions configuration is located in /.github/workflows. In CI, all types of tests, project and storybook assembly, linting are uses.
Interaction with data is carried out using the redux toolkit. Whenever possible, reusable entities should be normalized using the EntityAdapter
Server requests are sent using RTK query
For asynchronous connection of reducers (so as not to pull them into a common bundle), use DynamicModuleLoader
Allow use feature flags only with toggleFeatures helper. Object with options is passed to it
name: //feature flag name,
on: //a function that will work after enabling the feature
of: //function that will work after the feature is turned off
To automatically remove a feature, use the remove-feature.ts script, which takes 2 arguments
- The name of the feature flag to be removed
- Status (on\off)