The project of a constructor of fashion design based on fractals. The user can change the scale, color and position of the fractal, choosing a unique design for several types of clothing. The project is under development and functional additions.
– for processing the selection of the type of clothing (type parameter - selected type);imag()
- for drawing a clothing stencil in canvas.palette()
- to generate a color palette and change it by the user;hexToRgb(hex)
– to convert colors from HEX format to RGB format (hex parameter – color in HEX format);redraw()
- to redraw the window when moving/scaling the fractal and changing colors;mandel(x, y)
- for calculating the Mandelbrot fractal (parameters x, y are the abscissa and ordinate of the starting point, respectively);pset(x, y, k)
- filling in the data in the ImageData object about 1 pixel (parameters x, y - pixel coordinates, k - color parameter);click(e)
- to handle mouse (for moving) and keyboard (for zooming) events.