A tiny boilerplate JSON API template in ruby. Its minimal footprint makes it ideal for microservices or even full blown APIs. It has been created for those who don't need the RAILS "magic" and bloat. Can easily create different architectures, like STAR, CQRS, DDD..., and MVC.
Pico API is just a collection of the fastest ruby libraries put together to form a basic API environment, with the JSON:API specification. It doesn't create any folder structures for your business logic, it only creates the initial configurations to get you started.
Example demo project can be found here
- Rack -> Backbone
- roda -> Routing
- rom-rb -> ORM
- jsonapi serializer -> Fast-jsonapi fork
gem install pico_api
pico_api --new my_app
cd my_app
bundle install
Migration info: https://rom-rb.org/5.0/learn/sql/migrations/
- Add the database config details in
- Setup the Database:
rake db:setup
- Create a migration:
rake db:create_migration[create_users]
(include your preferred DB gem in the Gemfile) - Run the migrations:
rake db:migrate
- Run the server:
rackup -p 3001
Routing info: https://github.com/jeremyevans/roda
Add routing info in config/application.rb
- Create Database config
- Hook a json-api library
- Handle Errors
- Create a Logger config
- Create a testing environment
- Allow multiple db gateways in the config
- Add irb/pry console script
- Seperate configs to different environments (dev, prod, etc..)
All Pull Requests are welcome, from a single typo to a new feature.
- Fork this repo
- Create a new branch, add your changes with tests when necessary
- Submit a Pull Request