AGEqualizerIndicatorView visually indicates the play, pause, or stop state of audio. AGEqualizerIndicatorView is designable in Interface Builder for easy configuration and prototyping.
The recommended method of installation is through CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile.
pod 'AGEqualizerIndicatorView', :git => ''
- Download AGEqualizerIndicatorView
- Drag the
directory into your Xcode project, and ensure the files are copied into your project's directory.
AGEqualizerIndicatorView is simple to use, and can easily mimic the state of audio playback.
#import "AGEqualizerIndicatorView.h"
AGEqualizerIndicatorView *equalizerIndicatorView = [[AGEqualizerIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0,0,24,18)];
[equalizerIndicatorView startAnimated:YES]; // audio begins playing
[equalizerIndicatorView pauseAnimated:YES]; // audio is paused
[equalizerIndicatorView stopAnimated:YES]; // audio ends playback
An example project is included to showcase the equalizer indicator in a storyboard.
AGEqualizerIndicatorView currently supports iOS 7.0+ and tvOS 9.0+. If you're looking for an OS X-compatible fork, check out CMEqualizerIndicatorView. ✋
AGEqualizerIndicatorView is created and maintained by Alex Givens.
AGEqualizerIndicatorView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.