Some helpful functions that keep being used in various of my repositories, install via:
pip install little_helpers
- y_at_y: Find values in y_values that belongs to the values in x_values clostest to x.
- closest_index: Find the index of a value in array x_values that is clostest to x.
- segment_xy_values: Segment the x_values and y_values according to segment borders.
- langmuir_isotherm: Calculate the q_e values of a simple Langmuir isotherm.
- langmuir_isotherm_hydrogel: Calculate the adsotpion inside a hydrogel based on a Langmuir model taking the swelling into account.
- langmuir_comp: Calculate the q_e values of a Langmuir isotherm taking into account competetive adsorption of two species.
- triangle: Calculate a triangle function.
- gaussian: Calculate one or a superposition of Gaussian normal distributions.
- boxcar: Calculate a boxcar function.
- boxcar_convolution: Calculate the convolution of a boxcar function with another function.
- piecewise_polynomial: Calculate the y values of a piecewise polynomial.
- flory_rehner: Calculate 1/M_c according to the Flory-Rehner equation.
- Herschel_Bulkley: Calculate the stress according tot he Herschel-Bulkley model.
- cum_dist_normal: Cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution.
- cum_dist_normal_with_rise: Superposition of cum_dist_normal and a linear function through the origin.
A simple method to calculate the derivative of discrete data.
A universal sklearn-style wrapper for statsmodels regressors.