SmartHotel220 – fictional hotel company, which demonstrates the future of travel and offers to book worldwide special smart rooms for ordinary guests, as well as meeting rooms for business travelers.
- Register & Login using Azure Active Directory B2C;
- Adaptive interface;
- Searching rooms in hotels by country and dates "from" and "to";
- Possibility to monitor as well as change to suit your preferences: temperature, light level, volume of music in the room.
- Possibility to view a brief plan on how to find a hotel room if a person gets lost;
- Quickly request standard services (eg ice or clean towels);
- Get a list suggestions (by SmartHotel220) restaurants or/and cafe;
- Possibility to open the door in the room using NFC technology.
Xamarin Forms, Android, UWP, C#, XAML UI, .NET Standard, MVVM, Data Binding, IoC, MS App Center.