I am a computational structural modeller turned data scientist.
If the origin seems less intuitive than the destination, I don’t blame you. It is not the most common journey. In essence, though, and regardless of the disciplines it connects, it is a journey above everything else. Etymologically I would even say an Odyssey, with a nonlinear Troy populated by finite elements and Ithaca being the elusive kingdom of data. It is an Odyssey because it embeds the notion of return to the longed home, nostalgia for the the place that gives purpose.
Does this resonate with you? Let me try to condense this journey into an image.
Granted, attempting to plot an allegory has limitations. The learning journey is meant to be endless whereas the arch is finite (it couldn’t be otherwise, it is literally made of finite elements, check out this repository if you are keen on generating it yourself). Also, I could not find compelling interpretations of the arch width or its thickness. Speaking of the curse of narrative dimensionality. But you get the idea.
And what substantiates the journey, what makes the arch stable? The common mindset across disciplines. The same notional pipeline leading to insights from raw data.
So, why did I embark on this journey? Because similar landscapes may look familiar, but only one feels like home.
You can always open an issue in a repository of your interest. However, for general comments or suggestions, feel free to reach out through these channels:
Here is a sample of my fields of interest, with a showcasing example per tool:
Aside from learning, I like sharing the notions I have assimilated once they fully make sense to me (nothing makes you learn better than teaching). A little side project I have kept rolling is a series of video animations à la 3b1b about structural analysis and design. It is still under construction (involuntary pun) but once the first couple of videos are ripe, I will flesh out the repository here and start uploading those to a YouTube channel, hopefully not too far down the line. Here is a teaser if this topic tickles your curiosity:
Incidentally, if you found the introduction evocative, I elaborated more on the notion of nostalgia and inspiration on this podcast. Embark on that journey at your own peril.