A MVP of a dashboard for creating Performance Reviews in a corporation.
- Admin
- CRUD employees
- CRUD performance reviews
- Employee
- View/Submit assigned reviews
Writen in TypeScript flavor.
You should create an .env
file with the following and change ${CHANGE_ME}
to your own configuration:
The SQL to create the tables is awesome_reviews.sql, be sure to run it before any of the next steps.
Also you need to install npm
modules with:
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
$ npm start
- Use better auth
- JWT is a good option. It can help both sides.
- Check errors in both sides.
- As an MVP, the assumption is happy path for most of the actions.
- Use RBAC (Roles Based Access Control)
- That way is easy to extend the permissions from all users.
- Route guards
- An
shouldn't be able to accessadmin
- An
- Write tests
- Cypress for E2E and React Testing Library
- Encrypt passwords
- Plain passwords aren't good for production :)
- Use Database transactions
- We need to ensure our data is always correct
- Route guards
- With JTW we could ensure that only proper users can access our endpoints
- Use Types
- Not neccesary on the MVP because of the happy path. But it could improve DX.