- Develop a 2D instructional game in Unity
- Teach one of the German Grammar rules, "Relativsätze im Nominative".
- Assist by Bige Kolukısa İnelmen who is an academician at Bogazici University
- Published on itch.io
- You can play it from this website = https://alierenkayhan.itch.io/wer-ist-der-mrder
- [General Info](#Wer Ist Der Mörder?)
- Technologies Used
- Prerequisites
- Features
- Screenshots
- Game
- Setup
- Lisans
- Feedback
- Reference
1-Features of Wer Ist Der Mörder?
- 2D game
- Instructional game
1-Screenshots of Wer Ist Der Mörder?
-Go to the link.
-Download the game.
-Export it from zip.
-Find the file which has with ".exe" extension and open it.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
If you have any feedback, please contact me at ali_erenbatman@hotmail.com.