A basic OmeTiffReader plugin for aicsimageio.
Stable Release: pip install aicsimageio-ometiffreader
Development Head: pip install git+https://github.com/evamaxfield/aicsimageio-ometiffreader.git
from aicsimageio_ometiffreader import example
print(example.str_len("hello")) # prints 5
For full package documentation please visit evamaxfield.github.io/aicsimageio-ometiffreader.
See CONTRIBUTING.md for information related to developing the code.
For development commands we use just.
Available recipes:
build # run tox / run tests and lint
clean # clean all build, python, and lint files
default # list all available commands
generate-docs # generate Sphinx HTML documentation
lint # lint, format, and check all files
serve-docs # generate Sphinx HTML documentation and serve to browser
update-from-cookiecutter # update this repo using latest cookiecutter-py-package
BSD License