(Note: there have been no changes from 1.3.0-rc1
Release notes:
Experimental: Support for "Coverage Evolution" issues has been added
At the moment only line coverage is supported.
This functionality creates issues when the coverage metric of a file decreases
in a pull-request.
This functionality will be moved into its own dedicated plugin.
Setting for the repository root
For project with complex layouts the plugin can now be told about the root
directory of the repository. This will prevent issues where the comments could
not be published to the Stash diff view.
New Stash password configurations
The password for the login to Stash can now also be configured via the Web.
This is only meant for test instances.
There is also a new setting to pass the password for via an environment
variable. This prevents issues where the password would be visible in the
process table.
Optional overview comment
The overview comment can now be disabled via a setting.
Dropped support for old platforms
The plugin now requires Java 8 and at least SonarQube 5.6.