Amarilli Novel
Avani Patel
Our group built an ETL pipeline using Python, Pandas, Python dictionary methods, and regular expressions to extract and transform the data.
We created four CSV files and used them to create an ERD and a table schema.
Finally, we uploaded the CSV file data into a Postgres database.
We extracted and transformed the crowdfunding.xlsx
Excel data to create a category DataFrame that had a "category_id" column that had entries going sequentially from "cat1" to "catn", where n was the number of unique categories and a "category" column that contains only the category titles.
We extracted and transformed the crowdfunding.xlsx
Excel data to create a campaign DataFrame that has the following columns:
The "cf_id" column
The "contact_id" column
The "company_name" column
The "blurb" column, renamed to "description"
The "goal" column, converted to the float data type
The "pledged" column, converted to the float data type
The "outcome" column
The "backers_count" column
The "country" column
The "currency" column
The "launch_date" column converted to the
format -
The "end_date" column converted to the
format -
The "category_id" column, with unique identification numbers matching those in the "category_id" column of the category DataFrame
The "subcategory_id" column, with the unique identification numbers matching those in the "subcategory_id" column of the subcategory DataFrame
We exported the campaign DataFrame as campaign.csv
and saved it to our GitHub repository.
We extracted and transformed the data from the contacts.xlsx
Excel data, choosing both options:
Option 1: Python dictionary methods.
Option 2: Use regular expressions.
For Option 1, we imported the contacts.xlsx
file into a DataFrame. We iterated through the DataFrame, converting each row to a dictionary.
Then, we iterated through each dictionary, extracting the dictionary values from the keys by using a Python list comprehension and adding the values for each row to a new list.
Then, we created a new DataFrame that contains the extracted data.
Also, we split each "name" column value into a first and last name and placed each in a new column.
Ultimately, we cleaned and exported the DataFrame as contacts.csv
and saved it to our GitHub repository.
For Option 2, we imported the contacts.xlsx
file into a DataFrame. Then, we extracted the "contact_id," "name," and "email" columns by using regular expressions.
We created a new DataFrame with the extracted data.
Also, we converted the "contact_id" column to the integer type, and we split each "name" column value into a first and a last name and placed each in a new column.
Ultimately, we cleaned and exported the DataFrame as contacts.csv
and saved it to our GitHub repository.
We inspected the four CSV files and then sketched an ERD of the tables by using QuickDBDLinks to an external site.
We used the information from the ERD to create a table schema for each CSV file.
We saved the database schema as a Postgres file named crowdfunding_db_schema.sql
and saved it to our GitHub repository.
Then, we created a new Postgres database named crowdfunding_db
We created the tables in the correct order to handle the foreign keys and verified the table creation by running a SELECT
statement for each table.
Finally, we imported each CSV file into its corresponding SQL table.
- category
- subcategory
- campaign
- contacts