The official awesome
list of the America's Test Kitchen's engineering department.
The following lists contain everything from useful tools to suggested reading and everything in between to help make development easier.
- Hyper - Electron based terminal, fully extensible with HTML/CSS/JS, and an awesome ecosystem of plugins and themes.
- Oh My Zsh - Open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. Give your terminal superpowers and easily manage plugins and themes.
- Can I Use - Search the current state of supported CSS features in all major browsers.
- Coventional Commits - Standardized commit best practices.
- Git Cheat Sheet - An exhaustive interactive git cheat sheet.
- Markdown Guide - Guides and references for markdown syntax both basic and advanced.
- Eloquent JavaScript - A great overview of JS fundamentals, language features, and learning projects.
- You Don't Know JS - A series of books by Kyle Simpson diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.