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  • Integrates Combine framework for reactive programming and handling asynchronous events.
  • Implements both async throws and Combine network layers for making network requests with different paradigms.
  • Utilizes the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern for a clear separation of concerns and easier unit testing.
  • Documented with inline comments for better code readability and maintainability.

Automatic Testing, Archiving, and Building with Xcode Cloud

This project utilizes Xcode Cloud for automatic testing, archiving, and building processes. Xcode Cloud seamlessly integrates with GitHub repositories, allowing for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. With Xcode Cloud, developers can automate testing workflows, ensure code quality, and streamline the deployment process, leading to faster delivery of high-quality software.

Unit Tests

The project includes a comprehensive suite of unit tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of its functionalities. Unit tests cover various components, including model classes, view models, network services, and UI components (if applicable). By running unit tests regularly, developers can identify and fix issues early in the development process, leading to more robust and maintainable code.

To run the unit tests locally:

  1. Open the project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to the project navigator and select the test target.
  3. Press Cmd + U or choose Product > Test from the Xcode menu to run the tests.

UI Tests

In addition to unit tests, the project includes a set of UI tests to validate the user interface and interactions. These UI tests cover critical user flows and ensure that the app's UI behaves as expected across different devices and screen sizes.

To run the UI tests locally:

  1. Open the project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to the project navigator and select the UI test target.
  3. Press Cmd + U or choose Product > Test from the Xcode menu to run the UI tests.

By including UI tests in the testing suite, developers can verify that changes to the codebase do not inadvertently affect the app's visual appearance or user experience. This helps maintain consistency and reliability in the app's UI components.

SnapKit for Programmatically Building UI

The project leverages SnapKit, a Swift DSL (Domain Specific Language) for Autolayout, to programmatically build the user interface. SnapKit simplifies the process of creating constraints and layouts, making UI development more intuitive and efficient. By using SnapKit, developers can achieve responsive and adaptive layouts without the need for Interface Builder.

Core Data for Saving Favorite Items

The app uses Core Data, Apple's framework for object graph and persistence management, to save favorite repositories locally. Core Data provides a robust and efficient way to manage the model layer of the application and enables seamless integration with other iOS frameworks. By leveraging Core Data, the app ensures data consistency, reliability, and scalability for managing favorite items.

Alternatively, UserDefaults could be used for saving simple user preferences and settings. UserDefaults is suitable for storing small amounts of data such as user preferences, settings, and small pieces of user-specific data. However, for more complex data models and relationships, Core Data offers a more comprehensive solution with features like data validation, relationship management, and efficient fetching mechanisms.


To install and run this application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Xcode.
  3. Build and run the project on your preferred iOS simulator or device.


  • Xcode installed on your Mac
  • iOS simulator or physical iOS device


To use the application:

  1. Launch the app on your iOS device or simulator.
  2. Navigate through the app's interface using the provided features.
  3. Explore the functionality, such as searching for repositories, viewing favorites, etc.
  4. Interact with the app according to your needs and preferences.


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a pull request

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This project utilizes several third-party libraries and tools to enhance its functionality:

  • SnapKit: Used for programmatically laying out the user interface components, SnapKit simplifies the process of creating constraints and layouts in Swift code. It is integrated into the project as a Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependency.

  • SwiftyMarkdown: SwiftyMarkdown is employed for rendering Markdown content within the app, allowing for rich text formatting and display of Markdown documents. It is also integrated as a Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependency.

  • Xcode Cloud: for enabling automatic testing, archiving, and building workflows.


For inquiries, feedback, or issues related to this project, please feel free to contact:

Additional Features

In addition to the core features mentioned above, the project includes several other functionalities and design approaches:

  1. Dark Mode Support: The user interface of the app adapts to the system-wide appearance settings, providing a seamless experience for users who prefer dark mode. The app's UI components are designed with both light and dark mode in mind, ensuring readability and usability in all environments.

  2. Custom UI Components: The project includes custom UI components and controls tailored to the app's design language and user experience. These components enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the app, providing a unique and engaging interface for users.

  3. Accessibility Features: Accessibility features are implemented throughout the app to ensure that it is usable by individuals with disabilities. This includes support for Dynamic Type, and other accessibility technologies provided by iOS.

  4. Error Handling and User Feedback: The app incorporates robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle unexpected scenarios and provide meaningful feedback to users. This includes informative error messages, alerts, and UI indicators to guide users through the app's functionality.

  5. Performance Optimization: The project is optimized for performance to ensure smooth and responsive user interactions, even on older devices or under heavy load. This includes efficient memory management, lazy loading of resources, and other performance optimization techniques.

  6. Continuous Integration and Deployment: The project is configured with continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines to automate the testing, building, and deployment processes. This ensures that changes to the codebase are thoroughly tested and deployed to production environments with minimal manual intervention.

  7. User Analytics and Monitoring: The app integrates with analytics and monitoring tools to track user interactions, monitor app performance, and gather insights into user behavior. This data is used to improve the app's usability, identify areas for optimization, and make data-driven decisions for future development.

Design Approach

The design approach for the project follows the principles of user-centered design (UCD), focusing on understanding the needs and preferences of the target audience and designing solutions that meet those requirements. The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the app are designed with simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness in mind, ensuring that users can accomplish their tasks efficiently and effectively.

The app's design language adheres to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), incorporating familiar UI elements, consistent navigation patterns, and intuitive interactions. Visual elements such as typography, color schemes, and iconography are carefully chosen to create a cohesive and visually appealing interface that aligns with the app's brand identity and user expectations.

User feedback and usability testing are integral parts of the design process, allowing for iterative refinement and improvement based on real-world usage and user feedback. Regular usability testing sessions, user interviews, and feedback collection mechanisms are employed to gather insights, identify pain points, and validate design decisions.

The design approach emphasizes accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity, ensuring that the app is usable and enjoyable by users of all abilities and backgrounds. Accessibility features such as scalable fonts, and high-contrast interfaces are implemented to accommodate users with disabilities and provide a seamless experience for all users.


The README file provides an overview of the project's features, design approach, and additional functionalities. It serves as a comprehensive guide for developers, stakeholders, and users, offering insights into the project's goals, principles, and implementation details. By documenting the project in the README file, it becomes a valuable resource for understanding, maintaining, and evolving the app over time.


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