This is the report for
- Alice-Mariam Ansari,
- Mohammad Abo Al Anein,
- Anas Mofleh,
We solved this project on our own, except for:
- The Peer-review meeting
- Guidance from our supervisor Christian Söderberg
The model is in the file uml.png
The ER-model above gives the following relations (neither Markdown nor HTML5 handles underlining withtout resorting to CSS, so we use bold face for primary keys, italicized face for foreign keys, and bold italicized face for attributes which are both primary keys and foreign keys):
- customers(company_id, adress)
- orders(o_id, order_id, deliveryReq, company_id)
- rawMaterials(material_id, amountStorage, amountDelivery, lastDelivery, unit)
- recipeRow(amount, material_id, recipe_id)
- cookies(recipe_id)
- pallets(pallet_id, state, isBlocked, prodDate, order_id, recipe_id)
- cookiesToBake(amountCookies, o_id, recipe_id)
The scripts used to set up and populate the database are in:
defines the tables, and inserts data.
So, to create and initialize the database, we run:
sqlite3 dataBas.db < tables.sql
1. Using command line:
gradlew.bat run
javac -d bin/ -cp src src/main/java/students/
java -cp bin:sqlite-jdbc.jar App.Main
2. Using IDE:
Import the the project as a gradle project, let gradle fix the depencis for you by running its Tasks, to be more detailed run "build setup" in the gradle tasks.
Finally, run the main method in App class.
After running the program you need a second terminal, where you paste the following command:
1. Empty the database and reset it back to its initial values:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/reset
2. Return all customers:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/customers
3. Shows the inventory:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/ingredients
4. Shows the names of our cookies, ordered alphabetically
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/cookies
5. Shows the recipes, ordered by cookie name and ingredients:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/recipes
6. Tries to create a new pallet with a given cookie:
where you could replace "Berliner" with one of these cookies:
- Nut ring.
- Nut cookie.
- Amneris.
- Tango.
- Almond delight.
- Berliner.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/pallets\?cookie\=Berliner
7. Gives a list of all pallets in the storeroom :
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/pallets
8. Gives a list of specified pallets in the storeroom, using the following parameters:
- after: get pallets produced after the given date.
- before: get pallets produced before the given date.
- cookie: get pallets with the given cookie.
- blocked: get pallets which are blocked or non-blocked, where 0 means non-blocked and 1 means blocked.
For exemple, if you want To get all non-blocked pallets of “Berliner” produced after 2020-03-03, we enter:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8888/pallets\?cookie\=Berliner\&blocked\=0\&after\=2020-03-03
9. block or unblock pallets for a chosen cookie produced on a specific date:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/block/Tango/2020-05-05/2020-05-05
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/unblock/Tango/2020-05-05/2020-05-05