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Anders Malmgren edited this page May 22, 2014 · 2 revisions


Once FreePIE is installed, you can run FreePIE.exe, open or write a script, and run it. A script defines how your device is mapped to keyboard/mouse inputs. For example, this simple wiimote script will map up on the dpad to the up arrow key.

    def update():
        keyboard.setKey(Key.UpArrow, wiimote[0].buttons.button_down(WiimoteButtons.DPadUp))
    if starting:
        wiimote[0].buttons.update += update

While that script is running, pressing up on the wiimote will be the same as pressing up on your keyboard.


  • Connect Wiimote via bluetooth
  • Usually this requires enabling bluetooth and pairing your wiimote (leave the password blank). Search for a tutorial for your OS.
  • Load a wiimote script.
  • Run script.
  • The wiimote will vibrate when it's ready.

Here's an example that configures the wiimote for NES-style controls (buttons and dpad only):

def map_wiimote_to_key(wiimote_index, wiimote_button, key):
    # Check the global wiimote object's button state and set the global
    # keyboard object's corresponding key.
    if wiimote[wiimote_index].buttons.button_down(wiimote_button):

def update():
    # Sideways controls (DPad). Map each of our desired keys.
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.DPadRight, Key.UpArrow)
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.DPadLeft, Key.DownArrow)
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.DPadUp, Key.LeftArrow)
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.DPadDown, Key.RightArrow)
    # 1 button --> Z key
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.One, Key.Z)
    # 2 button --> X key
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.Two, Key.X)
    # - button --> Right shift key
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.Minus, Key.RightShift)
    # + button --> Enter key
    map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.Plus, Key.Return)

# If we're starting up, then hook up our update function.
if starting:
    wiimote[0].buttons.update += update

Written by MIGUELMARTINS1987 on pastebin

After you open and run that script in FreePIE, your wiimote can be used to simulate keyboard control.

Script Basics

FreePIE provides autocompletion for the variables it provides (system, keyboard, wiimote, etc).

For more information, see Scripting.


More basics that need filling out.

  • Calibration - is it handled by FreePIE?
  • How do I use the watch window?
  • What globals are exposed by FreePIE? Nothing comprehensive here: Scripting
  • How do I debug? How do I print to the Console?