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Dynamic, customizable and responsive image gallery made with PHP and JS. Show your best pictures to the world with a very minimalistic approach. No picture raiting, nor comments or taggin so your pictures stay in the spotlight!


  • Lightweight
  • Responsive
  • Lazy loading
  • No database needed
  • Supports any number of columns
  • Use picture sizes that suits you best
  • Position your gallery via a simple config file

Gallery Example

Gallery Demo
Another Demo


Webserver with php or if you want to run it on localhost you need a server (like Xampp). Optional: If you are familiar with npm and gulp you can take a look at the gulpfile and set up a webserver that way (however you need to proxy through a server that can interprete PHP)


Clone or download and unzip the repository. Browse the "dist/"-folder and copy those file into your project or website.
Get the following lines into your HTML document. Make sure that the includes are the right order and placed just befor the closing </body> tag! (JQuery has to be loaded befor the javascript files if you already have jquery on your site dont include it twice)

<!-- JQuery library -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Gallery core JS file, feel free to rename it -->
<script src="assets/js/all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

If you want a Lightbox (see for more infos or help) for your images enabled, include the following files into your HTML document: (make sure to have JQuery included befor the script tag)

<!-- Magnific Popup core CSS file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.min.css"> 

<!-- make sure to have JQuery included befor this script tag -->
<!-- Magnific Popup core JS file -->
<script src="assets/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.js"></script> 

<!-- Take a look into that file and change the credentials accordingly  -->
<script src="assets/magnific-popup/magnific.js"></script>

Add the following div-box into your HTML document

<div id="gallery" class="popup-gallery">
</div><!-- ./popup-gallery -->

Customize your gallery through the config file placed in /config/config.json See Section: Documentation for more Information on how to use the config file. Add Images and Thumbnail into the appropriate folders:

  • Image files dimensions should be max 1600x1200 (better smaller) to increase performance.
  • Supported image formats are png, jpg.
  • Thumbnails can be named like this: yourPrefix_imagename, imagename_yourPostfix or a combination of both (e.g. prefix_img_postfix.jpg)
  • If you want to place your thumbnails in the same folder as your images, make sure they are pre or postfixed else its not working
  • If you place images and thumbnails in an seperat folder they do not need a pre or postfix. However if you do place them in the same folder you have to pre or postfix them.

Automatic Thumbnail creation

On the first load the gallery checks if you have thumbnails for your pictures. If not it will automatically create them for you. You can chose the folder for where to place them by defining it in the config file.


A short documentation for the config.json file:

  "your_image_directory_path": "assets/images/",        // Your folder containing your images

  "your_thumbnail_directory_path": "assets/thumbs/",    // Your folder containing the thumbnails

  "thumbnail_prefix": "thumb_",                         // Your prefix e.g thumb_myimage.jpg

  "thumbnail_postfix": "",                              // Your postfix e.g myimage_thumb.jpg

  "number_of_columns": "5",                             // How many columns you would like to have

  "thumbnail_width": "300",                             // The image width of your thumbnails

  "space_between_pictures": "10",                       // The white space between the pictures

  "margin_left": "10",                                  // Spacing to the left border of your screen

  "margin_left_hd": "180",                              // On bigger screens you can set an extra margin to
                                                        //   center the gallery

  "margin_top": "70",                                   // Spacing from top till the beginning of the gallery

  "margin_right": "0",                                  // Margin to right border of the screen

  "margin_bottom": "0",                                 // Add a margin to the bottom of your page

  "center_column": "yes",                               // yes / no, centeres the gallery if you have 5 columns

  "resize_columns": "yes",                              // yes / no, disables responsive behavior

  "fade_in_pictures": "yes",                            // On scrolling down the page you get an fade in animation
                                                        // disalbe this option if you have performance issues.

  "shuffle_pictures": "no",                             // yes / no, Shuffles pictures to always display
                                                        // different ones on page reload or if a user revisits 
                                                        // your site. If value "no" is chosen the pictures are 
                                                        // sorted by their names

  "sort_pictures_after_date_taken": "yes"               // yes / no If your pictures got metadata you can sort 
                                                        // your pictures by the date you took them.
                                                        // However if you optimized them for the web, your programm
                                                        // might have removed the metadata header and removed those
                                                        // information.


Released under the MIT License