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Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images

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Dockerfiles for Spark and Shark


Dockerfiles to build Spark and Shark images for testing and development.


Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 Docker version 0.6.4 with the virtual switch lxcbr0 enabled. For running Docker on Mac and Windows see the docs.


First clone the repository:

$ git clone

This repository contains deploy scripts and the sources for the Docker image files, which can be easily modified. The main deploy script takes the following options.

$ sudo ./deploy/
usage: ./ -i <image> [-w <#workers>] [-v <data_directory>] [-c]

  image:    spark or shark image from:
                 amplab/spark:0.7.3  amplab/spark:0.8.0
                 amplab/shark:0.7.0  amplab/shark:0.8.0

The script either starts a standalone Spark cluster or a standalone Spark/Shark cluster for a given number of worker nodes. Note that on the first call it may take a while for Docker to download the various images from the repository,

In addition to Spark (and Shark) the cluster also runs a Hadoop HDFS filesystem. When the deploy script is run it generates one container for the master node, one container for each worker node and one extra container running a Dnsmasq DNS forwarder. The latter one can also be used to resolve node names on the host, for example to access the worker logs via the Spark web UI. Each node also runs a sshd which is pre-configured with the given RSA key. Note that you should change this key if you plan to expose services running inside the containers.

Optionally one can set the number of workers (default: 2) and a data directory which is a local path on the host that can be mounted on the master and worker containers and will appear under /data.

Both the Spark and Shark shells are started in a separate container. This container can be directly started from the deploy script by passing "-c" to the deploy script.

Example: Running a Spark cluster

Starting from the directory in which the repository was cloned do

Deploy the cluster

$ sudo ./deploy/ -i amplab/spark:0.8.0 -w 3 

Wait a few seconds

Wait for the "cluster" to come up. Note: after the cluster is up you should see something like this:

*** Starting Spark 0.8.0 ***
starting nameserver container
started nameserver container:  72633d3612ea
DNS host->IP file mapped:      /tmp/dnsdir_10440/0hosts
waiting for nameserver to come up 
starting master container
started master container:      7498d87db939
waiting for master ..................
waiting for nameserver to find master 
starting worker container
started worker container:  db977053c6b2
starting worker container
started worker container:  66a75c55752a
starting worker container
started worker container:  053988c65196
waiting for workers to register .....

connect to via:             sudo docker run -i -t -dns amplab/spark-shell:0.8.0

visit Spark WebUI at:
visit Hadoop Namenode at:
ssh into master via:        ssh -i /home/andre/docker/deploy/../apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise/files/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@

/data mapped:               

kill cluster via:           sudo docker kill 7498d87db939

to enable cluster name resolution add the following line to _the top_ of your host's /etc/resolv.conf:

Start the Spark shell container as shown above, for example:

$ sudo docker run -i -t -dns amplab/spark-shell:0.8.0

Execute an example:

scala> val textFile = sc.textFile("hdfs://master:9000/user/hdfs/test.txt")
scala> textFile.count()
scala>{line => line}).collect()

Terminate the cluster:

$ sudo ./deploy/ spark
$ sudo ./deploy/ nameserver


Basically the same steps apply only that the Shark images are chosen instead of the Spark ones (the former contain in addition to Spark the Shark binaries).

Deploy the cluster

$ sudo ./deploy/ -i amplab/shark:0.8.0 -w 3

Wait a few seconds

Wait for the "cluster" to come up. Note: after the cluster is up you should see something like this:

*** Starting Shark 0.8.0 + Spark ***
starting nameserver container
started nameserver container:  3afa9bb9f2cb
DNS host->IP file mapped:      /tmp/dnsdir_3620/0hosts
waiting for nameserver to come up 
starting master container
started master container:      5e91d29ae61c
waiting for master .............
waiting for nameserver to find master 
starting worker container
started worker container:  b958be515616
starting worker container
started worker container:  df34ae552bca
starting worker container
started worker container:  33446470b323
waiting for workers to register ........

connect to via:             sudo docker run -i -t -dns amplab/shark-shell:0.8.0

visit Spark WebUI at:
visit Hadoop Namenode at:
ssh into master via:        ssh -i /home/andre/docker/deploy/../apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise/files/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@

/data mapped:               

kill cluster via:           sudo docker kill 5e91d29ae61c

to enable cluster name resolution add the following line to _the top_ of your host's /etc/resolv.conf:

Start the Shark shell container as shown above, for example:

$ sudo docker run -i -t -dns amplab/shark-shell:0.8.0

Execute an example:

shark> CREATE TABLE src(key INT, value STRING);
shark> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '${env:HIVE_HOME}/examples/files/kv1.txt' INTO TABLE src;
shark> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM src;

Terminate the cluster:

$ sudo ./deploy/ shark
$ sudo ./deploy/ nameserver


If you prefer to build the images yourself (or intend to modify them) rather than downloading them from the Docker repository, you can build all Spark and Shark images in the correct order via the build script:

$ ./build/

The script builds the images in an order that satisfies the chain of dependencies:

apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise -> spark-base -> spark-{master, worker, shell}

apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise -> spark-base -> shark-base -> shark-{master, worker, shell}

You can always (re-)build single images by cd-ing into the image directory and doing

$ . build

Best practices for Dockerfiles and startup scripts

The following are just some comments that made the generation of the images easier. It is not enforced in any way by Docker.

The images and startup scripts follow the following structure in order to reuse as much as possible of the image they depend on. There are two types of images, base images and leaf images. Leaf images, as the name suggests, are images that are leafs in the dependency tree. For example, spark-base as a base image depends on apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise. spark-master depends on spark-base as its base image and is itself a leaf.

In addition to its Dockerfile, each image has a files/ subdirectory in its image directory that contains files (config files, data files) that will be copied to the root/image_name_files directory inside the image.

Base images

Base images are images that are intended to be extended by other images and therefore do not have a default command or entry point. They are good for testing though, e.g, by running /bin/bash inside them.

For base images such as spark-base, besides data files the files/ directory also contains files/ which is a script that contains four functions

  • create_spark_directories for creating required directories such as the working directory
  • deploy_spark_files that would copy files from /root/image_name_files to required system path locations
  • configure_spark that changes settings in config files and takes the IP of the master as argument
  • prepare_spark that calls the previous three in the given order and takes the IP of the master as argument

All of the functions of a base-image's configure script, so also inside files/ except prepare_spark first call their corresponding functions in the image the spark-base image depends on (apache-hadoop-hdfs-precise in this case). Therefore all the underlying services get initialized before the top level service.

Leaf images

For leaf images such as spark-master, besides data files the files/ directory also contains files/default_cmd that is chosen in the image's Dockerfile to be the default command (or entry point) to the image. This means the command inside is executed whenever the container is started.

The default command script executes the following steps in this order

  1. The first thing the default command does is call the prepare function of the configure script inside its base image. In this case, the default command script calls function prepare_spark inside /root/spark-base/ which is the location the configure script of spark-base was copied to.
  2. After that, now that the base images configuration (and the configuration of the images it inherits from) has completed, the default command may start services it relies on, such as the Hadoop namenode service in the case of spark-master.
  3. Finally, the default command script of spark-master runs a second script under userid hdfs (the Hadoop HDFS super user), which is files/files/ that actually starts the master.

The spark-worker default command proceeds along the same lines but starts a Spark worker with a Hadoop datanode instead.


Name resolution on host

In order to resolve names (such as "master", "worker1", etc.) add the IP of the nameserver container to the top of /etc/resolv.conf on the host.

Maintaining local Docker image repository

After a while building and debugging images the local image repository gets full of intermediate images that serve no real purpose other than debugging a broken build. To remove these do

$ sudo docker images | grep "<none>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi

Also data from stopped containers tend to accumulate. In order to remove all container data (only do when no containers are running) do

$ sudo docker rm `sudo docker ps -a -q`


Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images






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