AXB is a lightweight wrapper around go-keybase-chat-bot ( which slightly simplifies the process of building a keybase bot. See the example below for how to get started.
import (
var commands = map[string]axb.BotCommand{
"hello": {
doHello, // function that handles the hello command
false, // does this function require an admin user?
var admins = []string{"andrewbudd"}
func doHello(bot *axb.Bot, msg *kbchat.SubscriptionMessage, args []string) error {
return bot.ReplyTo(msg, "Hello yourself!")
func main() {
axb.NewBot(os.Getenv("KEYBASE_DEBUG_TEAM"), os.Getenv("KEYBASE_LOCATION"), commands, admins)
select {}
The bot includes a number of built in commands, specifically
- help - prints all of the installed commands that you have access to
- printadmins - prints all of the admin users
- addadmin - adds an admin user
- removeadmin - removes an admin user
- shutdown - shuts down the bot
Credit where it is due, this only works because it is built upon the awesome underlying kbchat package from the keybase folks, and I received some great input from @xgess as a reference.