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AndrewHazelden committed Jun 18, 2014
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339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions multiMeshScripting/MultiMesh Scripting readme.html
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<h1>MultiMesh Scripting v1.0</h1>
<p>Released June 18, 2014<br />
by Andrew Hazelden</p>
<p><img src="script_screenshot.png" alt="MultiMeshScripting Screenshot" /></p>
<p>MultiMesh Scripting is a set of two Windows BAT scripts that help simply the process of running meshlabserver MLX scripts and batch processing a folder of 3D scene files.</p>
<p>The MultiMesh Scripting .BAT scripts are open source programs that are available as a free download. You can download the latest version of this script from Andrew Hazelden's Blog: <a href=""></a> </p>
<p>This script uses meshlabserver to drive the conversions. To get a copy of meshlabserver you need to download the latest copy of MeshLab (which is for free) from VCG:<br />
<a href="" title=""></a></p>
<p>For the software to work it has to be expanded and moved to the folder: </p>
<p>The MultiMesh Scripting scripts expect meshlab &amp; meshlabserver to be located at:</p>
<p>C:\Program Files\VCG\MeshLab\meshlabserver.exe</p>
<p>You can edit the two .bat scripts if you installed meshlab to another location on your hard disk.</p>
<hr />
<h2>Batch Script Notes</h2>
<p>I created the following .bat scripts to show what is possible:</p>
<p><strong>runMLXScript.bat</strong><br />
Processes the mesh files in the input folder using meshlabserver and a user defined MLX script</p>
<p><strong>convertMeshes.bat</strong><br />
Converts the meshes in the input folder using a meshlabserver with a user defined output format.</p>
<h3>Changing Input &amp; Output File Names</h3>
<p>To change the name of the input and output files you can edit the .bat scripts using a plain text editor.</p>
<p>Input Mesh File variables </p>
<p>@set inputFolder=input<br />
rem Note: You can choose a specific mesh format for input or<br />
rem use an asterix for all files in the input meshes folder<br />
rem @set inputMeshFormat=obj<br />
@set inputMeshFormat=ply<br />
rem @set inputMeshFormat=*
<p>Output Mesh File variables </p>
<p>@set outputFolder=output<br />
@set outputMeshFormat=obj<br />
rem @set outputMeshFormat=ply<br />
rem Note: If you use the PLY output format it is saved as a BINARY PLY file<br />
rem @set outputMeshFormat=u3d
<p>MLX script file variables </p>
<p>rem the MLX scripts are stored in the C:\multiMeshScripting\scripts folder<br />
@set mlxScriptFile=simple_script.mlx<br />
@set mlxScriptFolder=scripts
<hr />
<p>eMail: <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#105;&#x6c;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#x61;n&#x64;&#x72;&#x65;&#x77;&#x40;&#97;&#x6e;d&#114;&#x65;&#x77;&#104;&#x61;&#122;&#101;&#x6c;&#x64;&#x65;&#110;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#109;">&#x61;&#110;&#x64;&#114;&#101;w&#64;a&#110;&#100;&#114;&#101;&#119;&#x68;&#x61;zel&#100;&#x65;&#x6e;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a> <br />
Blog: <a href=""></a><br />
Twitter: <a href="">@andrewhazelden</a><br />
Google+: <a href=""></a></p>

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