Checklist application that aimed to help people to memorize foreign words while doing shopping, chores etc.
Application dymanically defines inputted language and translates into other ones
- move back-end and front-end into separate repositories
- rewrite back-end into nodejs or django to be able to host it on free hostings
- DB Migration process
- build project with gulp and bower for front-end
- angular validation on inputs
- make angularjs components and custom directives (checklist, item)
- Better error handling both sides
- logging (INFO, DEBUG, ERORR, WARN) in back-end and front-end
- Solve the problem about having auth credantials in angular
- Refactoring of *.less
- prefixes
- add unittests and web api tests
- consider looking into bower, npm and gulp
Favorites in checklists and items
language settings/Settings page (switch between languages, possibility to add languages)
Responsive views - mobile friendly. Change the layout to :
Checklist1(Active)> Item1 Item2 CheckList2(Inactive)<
change order of the checklists and items via D&D
move call for External Translation service to the BE and use Google API
Comming up
Commint up