Note: androo6 == AndrooTheChen (androo6 is my older account with an unused email)
Worked on with 2 other contributers (not shown due to moving repo from private to public)
Website URL:
Short video demo:
app/ Contains files for the majority of the web functionalities.
migrations/ Local database migration after initializing. Not used for online deployment.
requirements.txt Text file containing all libaries and dependencies in development. This file is read from Heroku when depolying.
app/ All tables and their schema in the database are initialized here.
app/auth/ Class for Flask form objects to create new users when registering or logging in.
app/auth/ Handles instantianted Flask form objects to add new users into the Users table or authenticate existing users when logging in (deals with Users table).
app/listings/ Class for Flask form objects to create, modifying, or editing listings.
app/listings/ Performs ML inference for reccomending new listings based on user's clicked listings.
app/listings/ Handles instantianted Flask form objects to add, modify, or edit listings (deals with ComicBook, Author, Selling,and Sold tables).
And LOTS of StackOverflow...