- Introduction
- Installation
- How To Play
The arcade-game-project is the 4^th project in the Front End Webdevelopment-Nanodegree program and recreates one of our favorite games from our childhood.
The player must avoid enemies while walking over a dangerous road to get to the goal(water). Every time the player walks through the level without hitting an enemy, the score increases. As soon as he/she collides, the score will be set to zero again and the high score is saved. To increase the difficulty, the player can pick up gems to have a second score level next to the walk throughs.
For a full description of how the project got reviewed: https://review.udacity.com/#!/rubrics/15/view
To see the game in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxeHV1kt7iU
* Clone the repository
* Open the index.html
* Play!
* Use Arrow-Keys to move player towards the water.
* Avoid enemies
* Try to beat your highscore!