Advanced RxJS Techniques to perform SQL-inspired joins with Firestore.
- Joins multiple docs together into a single unified object. Useful when you have multiple has-one relationships.
docId=jeff {
car: 'subaru'
pet: 'humphrey'
docId=humphrey {
type: 'dog'
food: 'kibble'
docId=subaru {
model: 'Legacy'
doors: 4
docJoin(afs, { car: 'cars', pet: 'pets' } )
// result
pet: { type: 'dog', food: 'kibble' },
car: { model: 'Legacy', doors: 4 }
- Joins two collections by a shared document field. Useful when you have a many-to-many relationship, such as Users have many Orders and Order belongs to User.
docId=jeff {
userId: 'jeff'
docId=a {
orderNo: 'A'
userId: 'jeff'
docId=b {
orderNo: 'B'
userId: 'jeff'
leftJoin(afs, 'userId', 'orders')
// result
orders: [{ orderNo: 'A', userId: 'jeff' }, { orderNo: 'B', userId: 'jeff' }]
- Joins a related doc to each item in a collection. Useful when the documents each have a has-one relationship to some other document. i, e. user has_one country.
docId=jeff {
location: usa
docId=usa {
name: 'USA'
capital: 'Washington D.C.'
innerJoinDocument(afs, 'location', 'countries')
// result
location: { name: 'USA', capital: 'Washington D.C.' }