- requirements.hpp
- pipeline.hpp
- parser.hpp
- simulator.hpp
- configuration.hpp
- branchpredictor.hpp
- branchpredictertester.cpp
- main.cpp
- 5stage.cpp
- 5stage_bypass.cpp
- 79stage.cpp
- 79stage_bypass.cpp
- Makefile
- report.pdf
Active instructions: add, and, or, sub, mul, slt, sll, srl, bne, beq, j, addi, lw, sw.
Instructions: write the MIPS assembly code in a file and save it as input.asm. Then use the following make commands to simulate a pipeline.
- all - to update all dependencies
- compile - to compile and generate the executable for all the 4 simulator parts
- run_5stage - to run the simulator for the 5-stage pipeline
- run_5stage_bypass - to run the simulator for the 5-stage pipeline with forwarding and bypassing
- run_79stage - to run the simulator for the 7 and 9-stage stage pipeline
- run_79stage_bypass - to run the simulator for the 7 and 9-stage stage pipeline with forwarding and bypassing
Note: The print_table() function of pipeline can be used to make the output more human readable.
- configuration.hpp:
- Configuration=> Generates the configuration parameters for the simulator based on question number.
- requirements.hpp:
- Command=> Defines the structure of a command.
- QueueNode=> A node with three integer values.
- UpdateQueue=> A queue to keep track of update history in memory and register file.
- Registerfile=> Defines a register file and also takes over the functionality of latches.
- Runtimedata=> Stores the start and endtime of each stage of an instruction.
- parser.hpp:
- Parser=> Parses the input file and converts each instruction to an object of the Command struct according to configuration parameters.
- pipeline.hpp:
- Pipeline=> Defines the structure of a general pipeline. An object of it can be made by specifing the type of pipeline and can be used to run instructions.
- simulator.hpp:
- Simulator=> Simulates mips architectue pipeline according to the configurations.
- simulator.hpp:
- SaturatingBranchPredictor=> Makes predictions based on the history of that particular branch.
- BHRBranchPredictor=> Makes predictions based on the history of the entire file.
- SaturatingBHRBranchPredictor=> Predicts which of the above two strategies should be used for making predictions and then uses it for prediction.
- main.cpp, 5stage.cpp, 5stage_bypass.cpp, 79stage.cpp, 79stage_bypass.cpp : Are copies of the same file. Create an instance of Simulator.
- Makefile: To define the make commands.
- Readme.md: The readme file for the code.
- For first in first out, the stalls are inserted only before WB stage.
- There can be two WB stages in the same cycle for a 7-9 pipeline if one of them is non operational.
- For 7-9 stage pipeline, the stages in which the stalls occur are sometimes interchanged for simplicity of the design. This does not affect the overall pipeline.
- In 7-9 stage pipeline without byassing, regsiters can only be read at RR stage.
- In 5 stage pipeline, the registers in Regsiter File can be read anywhere.
- There are no latches or cycles in the code and the stages are just represented as a block of delay and have no functionality of their own. The functionality of the code is executed separately from the pipeline.