Access the online demo version here
Note: Ensure you have
installed - goto to downloand installer for your OS. -
Clone this respository to your local filesystem (default branch in 'master')
To download the dependencies, and be able to build, first install bower & grunt:
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Next pull the runtime and build time dependencies by running bower and npm install on the project root folder:
bower install
npm install
Now open the 'index.html' file in FIREFOX browser.
Default username/password: mifos/password. This application will hit the demo server by default.
You are done.
If you want to connect to local server then modify the constant in community-app\app\scripts\modules\configurations.js as below
.constant('HOST','https://localhost:8443\:8443') //need to escape port number
You can also add more dependencies on bower.json. You can search for them in or even:
bower search <package>
Just open test/SpecRunner.html in the browser.