This article tells how to program/debug a STM32 MCU in an external application board with ST-LINK/V2-1 on Nucleo-64 development board
(e.g.NUCLEO-F411RE programming Blue Pill-STM32F103C8T6 by 4pin-Jumper Wire)
本文介绍如何使用Nucleo-64开发板上的ST-LINK/V2-1对外部应用板中的STM32 MCU进行编程/调试(e.g.NUCLEO-F411RE烧录Blue Pill-STM32F103C8T6(使用4根杜邦线))
The following schematic diagram is the 4th page of official document
MB1136-DEFAULT-C04 Board schematic from ST official website open source ST-LINK/V2-1 schematic diagram.
MB1136-DEFAULT-C04 Board schematic 第4页官方开源的的ST-LINK/V2-1原理图
The following schematic diagram is the 19th page of official document
STM32 Nucleo-64 boards (MB1136) which tells how to program/debug a STM32 MCU in an external application board with ST-LINK/V2-1 on Nucleo-64 development board
STM32 Nucleo-64 boards (MB1136) 第19页官方介绍如何使用Nucleo-64开发板上的ST-LINK/V2-1对外部应用板中的STM32 MCU进行编程/调试
It can be seen from the above figure that we should remove the two jumpers from CN2.
Let's take a closer look at the schematic diagram of ST-LINK/V2-1.
We can find that after removing the two jumper caps of CN2, SWCLK and SWDIO of STLink are disconnected from SWD of STM on Nucelo-64 development board.
thus using four Jumper Wire to program program/debug a STM32 MCU in an external application board with ST-LINK/V2-1 on Nucleo-64 development board
这样可以使用四根跳线在Nucleo-64开发板上使用ST-LINK/V2-1对外部应用板中的STM32 MCU进行编程/调试
3V3 wire to the Pin on the left of JP1(+3V3_ST_LINK)
SWCLK wire to the 2nd pin of CN4
GND wire to the 3rd pin of CN4
SWDIO wire to the 4th pin of CN4
3V3 接 JP1左边的管脚(+3V3_ST_LINK)
SWCLK 接 CN4的第2个管脚
GND 接 CN4的第3个管脚
SWDIO 接 CN4的第4个管脚
This article tells how to program/debug a STM32 MCU in an external application board using a cable connected to SWD connector CN4 on ST Nucleo-64 development board.(e.g.NUCLEO-F411RE)
本文介绍如何用ST Nucleo-64开发板SWD连接器CN4对外部应用板中的STM32 MCU进行编程/调试。
[1]: UM1724 STM32 Nucleo-64 boards (MB1136)[2]: MB1136-DEFAULT-C04 Board schematic
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