Infinite canvas drawing application.
Grab the builds
- Left click to draw.
- Shift + Left click to draw lines.
- Control + Shift + Left click to change the brush size. Drag left to shrink the size and right to increase it.
- Alt + Hover to select a different color.
- Control + Alt + Hover to select a different background color.
- E to toggle the eraser.
- Middle click to drag the camera.
- Scroll wheel to zoom.
- Control + Middle click to zoom. Drag up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
- Dot and Comma to rotate.
- Hold Space use the hyper zoom. Release to go back to the previous position.
- Save the current camera position with Control + 1, Control + 2, all the way to Control + 9.
- Load a saved camera position by pressing 1, 2, ... 9.
- Slot 0 is reserved for toggling back and forth between the current and previous position. You can also toggle using your mouse's extra buttons if you have them.
- Control + Z to undo.
- Control + Shift + Z to redo.
- Control + Backspace to undo everything.
- Control + Shift + Backspace to redo everything.
- F11 for the borderless fullscreen mode.
- Alt + Enter for the fullscreen mode.
Saved next to the application's executable.
- Drawing.json - Your whole canvas is saved there including undo redo and camera position.
- Settings.json - Window settings are saved here. Includes if the app should start in fullscreen, vsync and fixed timestep.
dotnet restore Platforms/DesktopGL
dotnet restore Platforms/WindowsDX
dotnet run --project Platforms/DesktopGL
dotnet run --project Platforms/WindowsDX
In vscode, you can debug by pressing F5.
dotnet publish Platforms/DesktopGL -c Release -r win-x64 --output artifacts/windows
dotnet publish Platforms/DesktopGL -c Release -r osx-x64 --output artifacts/osx
dotnet publish Platforms/DesktopGL -c Release -r linux-x64 --output artifacts/linux
dotnet publish Platforms/WindowsDX -c Release -r win-x64 --output artifacts/windowsdx