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Claiming Territories

Bartล‚omiej Stฤ™pieล„ edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 1 revision

โ›ฐ Claiming Territories โ›ฐ

Let's talk about how claiming system works.

General ๐Ÿ“„

Claiming territories is very important thing for you who want to have some sort of protection in your faction.

Claiming gives you:

  • Block protection from other players.
  • Chest/furnaces and other containers protection. However, there is one item that can bypass it!
  • Receiving less damage from enemy players while fighting in your own territory. (Configurable)
  • Some other cool protections like -> If no one from your faction will be in the game then the faction will become locked from others. No one will be able to enter your factions lands (Configurable)

Territory claiming in Eagle Factions is chunk-based. That means, when preforming a claim operation, the entire chunk (16x16x256 segment of Minecraft world) is claimed and added to the faction.

It is NOT possible to claim only few blocks within a chunk.

Claiming ๐ŸŽ

The only persons who can claim territories are leaders and officers.

There are several ways of claiming territories.

To claim a land, stand yourself in a chunk you want to claim and type /f claim in the chat.

If you are tired of typing /f claim everytime you move to another chunk, You can use /f autoclaim which will automatically claim chunks for you while you move.

You can use /f squareclaim command to claim a big amount of claims around you in square form.

You can even claim territories in /f map command by clicking the territories with your mouse.

Eagle Factions provides a simple internal faction system as well. You can read more about it on this page.

Claim Limit ๐Ÿ›‘

There must be something that can limit the amount of claims a faction can have. In Eagle Factions the maximum amount of claims is based on faction's power.

For example:

If there are 4 players in a faction and each of them has power equal to 5 then the faction will be able to claim 4*5=20 territories.

It is really not that hard to understand isn't it?! ๐Ÿ˜„

So, if you want to have more claims, simply invite more people to your faction.

Claiming cost ๐Ÿ’ฐ

NOTE: This feature is available since 1.16.5

By default claiming territories is free.

The only requirement that must be satisfied is the above claim limit (which by default is equal to faction's power).

However, there actually is a way for making claiming cost something. It can be configured in the configuration file.

There are few built-in cost types that you can use:

  • power
  • having-power
  • items

Add-on plugins can add their own cost types.

Now, let's say you would want to make claiming cost 4 iron ingots. You could do the following in the config file:

claiming-cost {

Take a look at comments inside config file to get to know more. ๐Ÿ˜„

โ˜ฎ๏ธ SafeZone & WarZone โš”๏ธ

There are two predefined factions which already exists when your server is starting.

SafeZone works like a safe place for all players. Players and mobs canโ€™t attack each other and no one is able to place or break blocks.

To mark a place as a SafeZone you have two options.

Firstly, You need to activate factions Admin Mode by using /f admin.

Then, you can either stand in the chunk you want as SafeZone and type /f claim safezone or switch to safezone faction by typing /f join safezone and then claiming the territory as usual, by using /f claim, /f squareclaim or /f map.

WarZone at the other hand works as a place where players can fight but are not able to place and break blocks. You can set it in the same way like SafeZone.

But how much land can I claim for SafeZone and WarZone?

You can claim 9999 chunks for SafeZone and WarZone. ๐Ÿ˜„

Eagle's Feather ๐Ÿฆ…

There is one item in Eagle's Factions that can bypass chest protection in someone's territory. That item is called Eagle's Feather and can be achieved only by using a special command /f feather.

The idea behind this item was to give admins ability to sell this item in admin-shops or giving it away on events etc..

Note: Remember that every value can be changed in the main config file

Next page: Destroying other factions