A sorting algorithm based on two stacks
- push_swap is a program that takes a list of integers as input and sorts it in ascending order.
- The program prints the instructions used to sort the list of integers.
- The provided list of integers should have no duplicate numbers and should not surpass 4 bytes integer range.
- The program uses two stacks to sort the list of integers: Stack A and Stack B.
- The set of instructions push_swap might use is the following: sa, sb, ss, ra, rb, rr, rra, rrb, rrr, pa and pb
git clone https://github.com/Archer-01/push_swap.git
cd push_swap
./push_swap [list_of_integers]
push_swap is associated with another program named checker
- The checker program takes a list of integers as input and checks if the list is sorted in ascending order.
- The program reads from standard input for instructions, if numbers get sorted the program prints OK followed by a newline, otherwise it prints KO followed by a newline.
git clone https://github.com/Archer-01/push_swap.git
cd push_swap
git checkout bonus
make bonus
./checker [list_of_integers]