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A command-line interface based on the Unix Bash shell. Supports multiple commands per line, signal handling, and chained redirection and piping.

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Archit's Shell (A-Hell)

How to run

run following commands in terminal
    ->  make
    -> ./A-Hell

to remove object and text files 
    -> make clean


  • pwd
  • echo
  • cd
  • ls
  • pinfo
  • exit/quit ( also by pressing Ctrl+d )
  • foreground commands
  • background commands with exit status
  • redirection only
  • piping only
  • piping + redirection
  • setenv
  • unsetenv
  • jobs
  • kjob
  • fg
  • bg
  • overkill
  • Signal Detection

    • Ctrl+Z : stopped foreground and send it in background
    • Ctrl+C : kill any foreground process
    • Ctrl+D : exit shell (EOF)

    • history
    • nightswatch
      • interrupt
      • newborn
    • last dir by cd - : assuming that in starting of shell lastdir = executable address (till directory changes)
    • exit status along with prompt
    • chaining commands with @ as AND, and $ as OR

    • to clear the terminal screen by system("clear")
      • syntax -> clear

Modular Explaination

  • C files

    • archit.c : main + exiting shell(quit | exit | EOF(Ctrl+D)) + signals ( Ctrl+C , Ctrl+Z )
    • prompt.c : codes for printing prompt
    • cd.c : codes for cd command
    • echo.c : codes for echo command
    • pwd.c : codes for pwd command
    • ls.c : codes for ls command
    • pinfo.c : codes for pinfo command
    • cmd.c : codes for back/foreground command
    • history.c : codes for history command
    • nightwatch.c :codes for nightswatch command
    • redi.c : code for redirection commands only(SP1)
    • piponly.c : code for pipeonly commands only(SP2)
    • pipe.c : code to execute piping with redirection (SP3)
    • ppp.c : helper code for pipe.c
    • setenv.c : code for setenv command
    • unsetenv.c : code for unsetenv command
    • jobs.c : code for jobs command
    • kjob.c : code for kjob command
    • overkill.c : code for overkill command
    • fg.c : code for fg command
    • bg.c : code for bg command
    • boom.c : code for chained commands
  • Header file

    • header.h
    • prompt.h
    • cd.h
    • echo.h
    • pwd.h
    • ls.h
    • pinfo.h
    • cmd.h
    • history.h
    • nightswatch.h
    • redi.h
    • piponly.h
    • pipe.h
    • ppp.h
    • setenv.h
    • unsetenv.h
    • jobs.h
    • kjob.h
    • fg.h
    • bg.h
    • overkill.h
    • boom.h
  • makefile

  • : itself

  • All other files are useless in hell


  • Outputs of all internal processes can redirected to a file but inputs cannot
  • In piping, pipine+redirection and chaining we use don't use internal commands
  • exit status is set neutral for chainned commands and exit staus SUCESS for complete execution or WARNING in a command else if any ytype of error detected it will be set as FAILURE
  • WARNING status in yellow colour if cmd has extra arguments, then the ouput will be for minimal( default with no flags ) cmd
  • ERROR status in red colour if cmd is facing error with corresponding error
  • added colours in prompt to deffrentiate it by other
  • added extra msg at starting and exit position


  • printing of prompt twice when q+enter is pressed in nightswatch (one for q+enter and other for next command ig!code)


A command-line interface based on the Unix Bash shell. Supports multiple commands per line, signal handling, and chained redirection and piping.






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