Glide extension project
- progress:Glide loading progress monitoring callback
- sample:Use Cases
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
implementation "com.github.bumptech.glide:okhttp3-integration:4.11.0"
implementation 'com.github.Arcns:glide-extension:1.0.0'
- Kotlin
context = this,// Context
networkUrl = "", // Picture network address
progressBar = binding.pbTest, // Progress bar, can be empty
progressTextView = binding.tvTest,// Progress text view(x%), can be empty
lifecycleOwner = this,// Life cycle awareness, automatically release monitoring at the end of the life cycle, can be empty
listener = object : com.arcns.glide.grogress.GlideProgressListener<Drawable>() {
override fun onProgress(current: Long, total: Long, percent: Float) {
Log.e("GlideProgress", "current:$current,total:$total,percent:$percent")
} // Progress monitoring callback, can be empty
- Java
Glide.with(context), // Glide RequestManager或RequestBuilder
context, // Context
"", // Picture network address
new GlideProgressListener<Drawable>() {
public void onProgress(long current, long total, float percent) {
}, // Progress monitoring callback, can be empty
null, // Life cycle awareness, automatically release monitoring at the end of the life cycle, can be empty
null, // Progress bar, can be empty
null // Progress text view(x%), can be empty