Project Deploy link:
This project is a static replica of the Amazon website, implemented with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The webpage simulates key features of the Amazon homepage, including a navigation bar, search functionality, product grid, and modal details for each product. Additionally, it allows users to filter and search for products based on price, rating, and other criteria.
- Navigation bar with a logo, delivery address, search bar, connect and sign-in options, return and order status, and a shopping cart.
- A panel with quick access to various sections like deals, customer service, registry, gift cards, and selling options.
- Displays a message prompting users to shop on Amazon India with a link to redirect.
- Filter functionality for products based on minimum price, maximum price, and minimum rating count.
- Dynamic product grid populated with product details, including images, names, ratings, prices, and the option to add to the cart.
- Modal details for each product with the ability to select quantity and add to the cart.
- Category boxes featuring images, titles, and links for various product categories.
- Multiple panels with links to important sections such as "Get to Know Us," "Make Money with Us," "Amazon Payment Products," and "Let Us Help You."
- Amazon logo and copyright information.
- A "Back To Top" button which smoothly scrolls to the top of the webpage when clicked.
Dynamic rendering of products on page load.
Search functionality allowing users to find products based on name.
Filtering functionality for products based on price, rating, and sorting options.
Modal functionality for detailed product information.
- Incorporate server-side scripting for dynamic content and user authentication (Firebase).
- Implement a backend to handle user data, product details, and shopping cart functionality (fully-working checkout page).