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🎶 React Music App 🎵

This is a music finding web app that helps users discover albums across various genres. The app provides an easy-to-use interface with options to filter, sort, and favorite music albums.

🚀 Running the App

Get into the app directory:

cd react-music-app

Use npm or any other package manager (e.g., pnpm) to:

  • 📥 Install dependencies:
    npm install
  • ▶️ Run the app:
    npm run dev
  • 🧪 Run the tests:
    npm run test
  • ✅ Verify the app for deployment:
    npm run verify

💻 Tech Stack

The app is built using the following technologies:

  • ⚛️ React: For building the user interface.
  • 📘 TypeScript: Provides static typing for better code quality and developer experience.
  • 🎨 Tailwind CSS: For styling the UI and ensuring a responsive design.
  • 📦 React Context API: To manage global state for features like favorite albums, filters, and sorting.
  • 💾 LocalStorage: Used to persist favorite albums across browser sessions.
  • 🧪 Playwright: For end-to-end testing to ensure application stability.
  • 🧪 Jest: For unit testing core components and utilities.

✨ Features

  • 🔍 Search and Filter: Users can filter albums by different genres and search for albums by name.
  • ❤️ Favorite Albums: Allows users to add albums to their favorites list for easy access.
  • ↕️ Sorting Options: Users can sort albums by release date or popularity.
  • 🌗 Light/Dark Theme: The app supports dark mode for a more comfortable viewing experience.

🔮 Future Enhancement Ideas

  • 🌗 Theme Toggle Button: Allow users to manually switch between light and dark themes.
  • ⚙️ Configuration-Driven Panels: Build panels using global configuration to improve modularity and customization.
  • ➕ Add E2E Tests: Implement more comprehensive end-to-end tests using Playwright to improve app reliability.
  • 🛠️ Extract Common Components: Extract shared components and logic used in grid and list views to reduce redundancy.

📁 Directory Structure

  • src/components - Reusable UI components like buttons, menus, etc.
  • src/layouts - Page layouts used to compose different screens in the app.
  • src/state - Manages global state using Context and custom hooks.
  • __tests__/e2e - Contains E2E tests to verify app functionality.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


A music finder app built in react, tailwindcss and typescript



