- The application stores users and products data in a database for easy reference
- CRUD operations could be performed on the stored data
- Robust RestAPI to handle any sort of request
Install my-project with npm
git clone
cd management-MERN
cd server
npm install // to install all the dependencies in package.json
touch .env
- Add the following in you .env file
- make sure to add your own password and DB name to connect with your cluster
npm start
- You should now see the following output in the terminal
Example app listening on port 8080
Database connected!
- 🎉 Congratulations you server is now running on port 8080 !!
- Now navigate to the management directory ( i.e., \Management-MERN\client\management> )
npm install // this will install react
npm start // start the application
- 🎊 Woooo... now both of your frontend and backend application are up and running !!
GET http://localhost:8080/users
POST http://localhost:8080/users
PUT http://localhost:8080/users/:id
PUT http://localhost:8080/users/:id
:id is the MongoDB _id
NOTE: For products you only have to change the /users -> /products