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ArkScript log by Mazz

Nota bene: the project is referred as "Ark" and as "ArkScript". The official public name is "ArkScript" since "Ark" is already being used by another language

Key features

ArkScript is

  • small: the core fit under 8000 lines of code ; also small in terms of keywords (only 9)
  • a scripting language: very easy to embed it in your projects. Registering your own functions in the language is made easy
  • portable: a unique bytecode which can be run everywhere the virtual machine is
  • a functional language: every parameter is passed by value, everything is immutable unless specified
  • powerful: provides closures and explicit capture
  • promoting functionalities before performances: expressiveness often brings more productivity, though performances aren't left behind
  • a Lisp inspired language, with fewer parentheses: [...] is expanded to (list ...) and {} to (begin ...)
  • extensible: supports C++ module to use it in the language, adding functionalities

Also, it has:

  • macros: if/else, values, and functions
  • tail call optimization
  • a REPL with autocompletion and coloration
  • a growing standard library, composed of ArkScript code (under lib/std/) and C++ (under lib/ext/)
  • a lot of unit tests (but never enough), which are ran before every release to ensure everything works as expected
  • docker images:
    • stable, built after each release
    • nightly, built after each commit


Fibonacci suite

(let fibo (fun (n)
    (if (< n 2)
        (+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2))))))

(print (fibo 28))  # display 317811

More or less game

(import std.random)
(import std.Math)

(let number (mod (math:abs (random)) 10000))

(let game (fun () {
  (let impl (fun (tries) {
    (let guess (toNumber (input "Input a numeric value: ")))
    (if (< guess number)
        (print "It's more than " guess)
        (impl (+ tries 1)) }
      (if (= guess number)
          (print "You found it!")
          tries }
          (print "It's less than " guess)
          (impl (+ tries 1)) }))}))

  (let tries (impl 0))
  (print "You won in " tries " tries.") }))


More examples are available inside examples/.


You can either use docker:

docker pull arkscript/stable:latest

# or use the most updated repo
docker pull arkscript/nightly:latest

or build the project with CMake and install it with CMake:

cmake --install build


  • First, fork the repository
  • Then, clone your fork: git clone
  • Install the pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install (you may need to install pre-commit first)
  • Create a branch for your feature: git switch -c feat-my-awesome-idea
  • When you're done, push it to your fork and submit a pull request

Make sure you follow the contribution guidelines before submitting your pull request!

Don't know what to work on? No worries, we have a list of things to do 😉

Related projects

We have other projects tightly related to ArkScript, which aren't necessarily C++ oriented:

  • the standard library, written in ArkScript itself
  • the standard library modules, extending the capacities of the language, written in C++
  • ArkDoc, a documentation generator à la doxygen for ArkScript, written in Python 3
  • our website written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Our beloved contributors

Full list here.

Coding guidelines for contributing

See C++ Coding guidelines if you want to contribute to ArkScript compiler / runtime.

Also, see ArkScript Coding guidelines for other files, written in ArkScript.

For performance reasons, some functions might be written in C++, in include/Ark/Builtins/Builtins.hpp and src/Builtins/.

Code structure

ArkScript code structure



  • C++20
  • CMake >= 3.15
  • Visual Studio >= 11 (on Windows)
  • On macOS versions prior to 10.15, libc++ lacks filesystem in the standard library.
    • Install a newer compiler using Homebrew: brew install gcc && brew link gcc
    • Pass compiler path to cmake in the build step: -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++-14 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc-14

⚠️ When passing a specific C++ compiler to CMake, add the corresponding C compiler as ArkScript relies on C code as well ; otherwise you'll cryptic get compilation/linking errors (using CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and CMAKE_C_COMPILER).

Through CMake

Different CMake switches are available to customize the build:

  • -DARK_BUILD_EXE to generate an executable, defaults to Off, building a shared library only
  • -DARK_ENABLE_SYSTEM to enable sys:exec (execute shell commands without restrictions), defaults to On
  • -DARK_NO_STDLIB to avoid the installation of the ArkScript standard library
  • -DARK_BUILD_MODULES to trigger the modules build
  • -DARK_TESTS to build the unit tests (separate target named unittests)
    • -DARK_COVERAGE to enable coverage analysis ; only works in conjunction with -DARK_TESTS, enables the coverage target: cmake --build build --target coverage
# first, clone it
git clone --depth=50 --branch=dev
cd Ark
git submodule update --init --recursive
# building Ark
cmake . -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DARK_BUILD_EXE=On
cmake --build build --config Release
# installing Ark (might need administrative privileges)
cmake --install build --config Release

Desired output of arkscript --help:

        ArkScript programming language

        arkscript -h
        arkscript -v
        arkscript --dev-info
        arkscript -e <expression>
        arkscript -c <file> [-d] [-f(importsolver|no-importsolver)]
                  [-f(macroprocessor|no-macroprocessor)] [-f(optimizer|no-optimizer)]

        arkscript <file> [-d] [-L <lib_dir>] [-f(importsolver|no-importsolver)]
                  [-f(macroprocessor|no-macroprocessor)] [-f(optimizer|no-optimizer)]

        arkscript -f <file> [--(dry-run|check)]
        arkscript --ast <file> [-d] [-L <lib_dir>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -on
        arkscript -bcr <file> -a [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -st [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -vt [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> [-cs] [-p <page>] [-s <start> <end>]

        -h, --help                  Display this message
        -v, --version               Display ArkScript version and exit
        --dev-info                  Display development information and exit
        -e, --eval                  Evaluate ArkScript expression

        -c, --compile               Compile the given program to bytecode, but do not run
        -d, --debug...              Increase debug level (default: 0)

                                    Toggle on and off the import solver pass

                                    Toggle on and off the macro processor pass

        -f(optimizer|no-optimizer)  Toggle on and off the optimizer pass
        -d, --debug...              Increase debug level (default: 0)

        -L, --lib                   Set the location of the ArkScript standard library. Paths can be
                                    delimited by ';'

                                    Toggle on and off the import solver pass

                                    Toggle on and off the macro processor pass

        -f(optimizer|no-optimizer)  Toggle on and off the optimizer pass
        -f, --format                Format the given source file in place
        --dry-run                   Do not modify the file, only print out the changes
        --check                     Check if a file formating is correctly, without modifying it.
                                    Return 1 if formating is needed, 0 otherwise

        --ast                       Compile the given program and output its AST as JSON to stdout
        -d, --debug...              Increase debug level (default: 0)

        -L, --lib                   Set the location of the ArkScript standard library. Paths can be
                                    delimited by ';'

        -bcr, --bytecode-reader     Launch the bytecode reader
        <file>                      If file isn't a bytecode file, the cached compiled will be
                                    loaded ; if there are none, it will be compiled first

        -on, --only-names           Display only the bytecode segments names and sizes
        -a, --all                   Display all the bytecode segments (default)
        -st, --symbols              Display only the symbols table
        -vt, --values               Display only the values table
        -cs, --code                 Display only the code segments
        -p, --page                  Set the bytecode reader code segment to display
        -s, --slice                 Select a slice of instructions in the bytecode


        Mozilla Public License 2.0

In your own project

Please refer to the embedding ArkScript tutorial.




You can find a snake created in ArkScript in the folder examples/games/snake (run it from there, otherwise it won't find the font and the sprites ; you won't need to install the SFML).


Controls are the arrows (left, right, up and down), the game closes itself when you successfully collect the 3 apples.

The donors

Huge thanks to those people for their donations to support the project:

Cool graphs

Star History Chart


This project was inspired by game programing patterns and ofan lisp.cpp

Copyright and Licence information

Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Alexandre Plateau. All rights reserved.

This ArkScript distribution contains no GNU GPL code, which means it can be used in proprietary projects.