Crypto Portfolio Tracker Inspired by and using its API.
React - Styled Components - HTML - CSS - Javascript
- React Router - Routing
- Styling - Styled Components
- React-responsive
- React spinners
- Network calls - Axios
- Global state management - React Context API
- API - Coingecko
- Login/Signup
- See top 100 cryptocurrencies (per market cap)
- Change base Currency (USD/EUR)
- See more detailed information about a specific coin
- Keep track of your crypto portfolio
- Add/Remove Coins to/from Portfolio
- Add Transactions to Portfolio
- Track the performance
- Coin Converter
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Go to the app directory
cd Coin-Case
- Install packages
npm install
- Open Project in the code editor
At the root of the project open .env_sample and rename it to .env. You will need to replace the content inside of .env with your Firebase config keys. found in your Firebase project settings.
In order to do that you will need to set up a Firebase project.
First, you will need to create a Firebase project and get all the necessary keys in order to be able to use authentication and a database.
Firebase Console. -
Copy all the keys from firebase configuration (firebaseConfig) to .env file.
- Add user authentication with email/password.
- Create a Firestore Database.
- Now you should be able to use all the application features related to Firebase.
npm start
And it should open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
*In order to access the portfolio page, you will need to create a user