This is a dashboard to show health check results of your favorite http web apps.
This app has been hosted in docker hub in a container image.
This app is checking health of some URIs, you can find them in appsettings.json
and appsettings.Development.json
file. If you want to check your own URI as well
in this app then do the following changes.
- Add a new section in
"ApiDetails": [
"Name": "[name of the URI]",
"Url": "[URI]",
"Credential": {
"UserName": "[user name if any]",
"Password": "[password if any]"
"IsEnable": true
- Add a new section in
"HealthChecks-UI": {
"HealthChecks": [
"Name": "[name of health check]",
"Uri": "[health check URI]"
- Create a new class inside
which inheritsBaseHealthCheck
public class [ClassName]HealthCheck : BaseHealthCheck
public [ClassName]HealthCheck(IEnumerable<ApiDetail> urlDetails,
ICommonHealthCheck commonHealthCheck) : base(urlDetails, commonHealthCheck)
- Add the class into
HttpHealthCheckDashboard.HealthCheckExtensions.AddHealthChecksUrls(this IServiceCollection services)
public static IHealthChecksBuilder AddHealthChecksUrls(this IServiceCollection services) =>
- Add endpoint mapping in
HttpHealthCheckDashboard.HealthCheckExtensions.MapHealthChecksUrls(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints)
public static void MapHealthChecksUrls(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints)
endpoints.MapHealthChecks("/[classname]-hc", new HealthCheckOptions()
Predicate = r => r.Name.Contains("[ClassName]"),
ResponseWriter = UIResponseWriter.WriteHealthCheckUIResponse
- Open your bowser and navigate to
and you should see your new URI in the health check app.