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The ‘pythonids‘ package provides the enumeration of Python syntaxes and the categorization of Python implementations. This enables the development of fast and easy portable generic code for arbitrary platforms in IT and IoT landscapes consisting of heterogeneous physical and virtual runtime environments.

The current supported syntaxes are Python2.7+ and Python3 for the Python implementations:

  • CPython
  • IPython (based on CPython)
  • IronPython
  • Jython
  • PyPy


  • MicroPython
  • CircuitPython

The current supported platforms are:

  • Linux, BSD, Unix, OS-X, Cygwin, and Windows

  • x86, amd64, arm32/armhf, arm64/aarch64

  • Servers, Workstations, Embedded Systems

  • Datacenters, public and private Clouds, IoT

Online documentation:



Project Data

  • PROJECT: 'pythonids'

  • MISSION: Canonical numeric platform IDs for the core Python environment.

  • VERSION: 00.01

  • RELEASE: 00.01.040

  • STATUS: beta

  • AUTHOR: Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • LICENSE: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints

Runtime Environment

For a comprehensive list refer to the documentation.

Python Syntax Support

  • Python2.7, and Python3

Python Implementation Support

  • CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy

OS on Server, Workstation, Laptops, Virtual Machines, and Containers

  • Linux: AlpineLinux, ArchLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Raspbian, RHEL, Slackware, SLES, Ubuntu, ...

  • BSD: DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, GhostBSD, TrueOS, NomadBSD

  • OS-X: Snow Leopard

  • Windows: Win10, Win8.1, Win7, WinXP, Win2019, Win2016, Win2012, Win2008, Win2000

  • WSL-1.0: Alpine, Debian, KaliLinux, openSUSE, SLES, Ubuntu

  • Cygwin

  • UNIX: Solaris10, Solaris11

  • Minix: Minix3

  • ReactOS

Network and Security

  • Network Devices: OpenWRT

  • Security: KaliLinux, pfSense, BlackArch, ParrotOS, Pentoo

OS on Embedded Devices

  • RaspberryPI: ArchLinux, CentOS, OpenBSD, OpenWRT, Raspbian

  • ASUS-TinkerBoard: Armbian

  • By special modules e.g. for Adafruit Trinket M0: CircuitPython, MicroPython

Current Release

Major Changes:

  • Initial version.


  • AIX

  • MicroPython, CircuitPython

  • Stackless Python

  • test OpenBSD on rpi3

  • test Windows10IoT-Core