Text Classifier based on Numpy
>>> import KNN_TextClassifier
#load random Data,Labels
>>> dataMatrix,labels = KNN_TextClassifier.loadData(feature_num = 4,rows = 10)
#norm Data reduce influence of high ranges
>>> normDataSet = KNN_TextClassifier.norm(dataMatrix)
#predict K should be odd to avoid voting result like {('A',2),('B',2)} difficult choice.
#Parameter format classify(testData,TrainData,TrainData_Labels,K)
testData and TrainData should be 2-D list. row represents a text data. Columns represent feature values.
TrainData_Labels should be a list like ['A','B','C'] an element represents a row of TrainData's class.
K should be odd as I said before.
>>> print KNN_TextClassifier.classify([[1,2,3,4],[2],[3]], dataMatrix, labels, K=3)
['C', 'C', 'C']
>>> print KNN_TextClassifier.classify([['天气好','2','3','4'],['2'],['3']], dataMatrix, labels, K=3)
['C', 'A', 'C']
#get transformed vector
>>> vector,vocabList = KNN_TextClassifier.word2VectorMatrix([['1','2','3','4'],['2'],['3']])
>>> print vector
[[ 1. 1. 1. 1.]
[ 0. 0. 1. 0.]
[ 0. 1. 0. 0.]]
#get transformed vocabList
>>> print vocabList
['1', '3', '2', '4']
$ pip install KNN_TextClassifier