What's Changed
GenNet interpret: adds the interpretation module with six interpretation methods
get_weight_scores: uses the weights to calculate the importance of each feature and node
DeepExplain: uses the gradient (see DeepExplain) to calculate the importance
RLIPP: uses logistic regression with signals to and from the node to calculate a measure of non-linearity for all nodes
NID: Finds interacting features based on the features with the strongest weights
DFIM: perturbs each input (or N inputs in the order of importance), and tracks which other features change importance to find interacting features
PathExplain: Uses the Expected Hessian to find interacting features
Bugfixes for converting plink2 files
Script for converting toplogy to npz matrices
Add one-hot encoding support
Adds multiple filters. LocallyDirected1D now supports multiple filters akin to channels or feature maps in CNNs
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