This is a smart contract built with Reach that implements the business logic for the friendly game of Morra.
- You must have WSL installed in your computer and Docker working too, to be able to run the containerized Reach application successfully.
Follow the very comprehensive guide on how to get this done in the Quickstart section of the Reach Docs. - You should have a TestNet connected to your MetaMask Wallet, or instead use MyAlgo Wallet it spins a wallet in TestNet for you.
To run the app, on your terminal, after you have downloaded Reach through the setup, run the following commands to lauch the application and contract:
$ <path to your Reach file>/reach react
To set your TestNet before the run, use the following command:
$ REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE=<The TestNet name> <path to your Reach file>/reach react
The supported options are ETH, ALGO, CFX, for the Ethereum, Algorand, and Conflux TestNets respectively.
To enjoy this game, its best to open the app in two browser tabs, one for Alice (the Deployer) and one for Bob (the Attacher).
Note: A winner is only decided when only one player guessed the total outcome right, if not they will play again.
For getting this far, I urge you to checkout the Reach Docs and play around with building smart contract and DApps