- 最简单的实现自定义表情键盘,以及进行图文混排的,并能以文本形式上传服务器的框架
- The simplest implementation of the custom expression keyboard, as well as the RichText, and can upload the framework of the server in text form
- iOS 6.0+
- Xcode 6.1.1
- 手动导入:
- 将
文件夹中的所有文件拽入项目中 - 导入主头文件:
#import <SRKeyboard/SRKeyboard.h>
- 将
#import <SRKeyboard/SRKeyboard.h>
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet EmoticonsTextView *textView;
@property (strong,nonatomic) SRKeyboardController *emoticonKeyboardVC;
- (SRKeyboardController *)emoticonKeyboardVC {
if (_emoticonKeyboardVC == nil) {
__weak ViewController *weakSelf = self;
_emoticonKeyboardVC = [[SRKeyboardController alloc]initWithEmoticonBlock:^(Emoticons *emoticons) {
[weakSelf.textView insertEmoticon:emoticons];
return _emoticonKeyboardVC;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self addChildViewController:self.emoticonKeyboardVC];
self.textView.inputView = self.emoticonKeyboardVC.view;
- and add the textView in your project.
- Then, you can have a customEmoticonKeyboard.
- If you want to add more Emoticons, you can do as the following Pictures.
- 然后,将这个textView添加到项目中.
- 你就可以拥有一个能够支持图文混排的textView和自定义的表情键盘了.
- 另外,如果你想要自己添加其他的表情组进去的话,
- 你可以按照Emoticons.boundle中的其他已经存在的表情文件夹中的info.plist中的格式,添加相应的plist文件.
- 然后再在emoticons.plist中,添加这个表情组的相应内容,即可.